Tales from today's commute....

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Legendary Member
WTF, where did that headwind come from? I reckon constant 20mph, with easily 40mph + gusts. Not the best day for 48/16 fixed. If I had been sensible, I would have flipped to the 18t freewheel - I'm not sensible, so I struggled on with a 16mph average....

Tree down at Smithy Green, but road still passable. Horrible new surface dressing at Byley for a mile or so - hopefully they'll sweep it soon as there's loads of loose gravel.

Got home and realised I had left my keys at work, FFS. Another 3 miles to get the spare set....!

On the plus side, I dodged the rain by a minute or so...
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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Hard work, damn hard work. Painfully hard work - damn you wind - damn you to hell.

Oh yes and my gear cable snapped so only have 2 speeds.


Über Member
Crazy wind.
Crazy close overtake by lorry. He knew it too as I eyeballed him in the wing mirror. Discretion being the better part of valour I bailed via a fortuitous dropped kerb.
Crazy u-turning car in my path resulting in emergency brake.
Not the calmest commute,pretty crazy though :wacko:

Stephen C

Über Member
Side wind all the way home, I don't mind hard work into a head wind, but with the 50mph gusts pushing me off the road it was just dangerous. I think I may work from home tomorrow...


Senior Member
Straight into the wind, all the way home. One gust while going uphill felt like I was pedalling to stay stationary. On the plus side, Smallest Boy found every gust hilarious so we laughed together most of the way. Glad I was on a shared path and not the road, though.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
The side winds made my west London commute a bit interesting but , if you exaggerate the wobbling, drivers tend to hang back and pass wide. The really hateful part was having that horrible, itchy, gritty stuff that falls off plane trees sandblasting my eyeballs.


The North
worked sunday and monday night. all rides great , except tuesday morning on way home , can tell dayb after bank holiday some right tits about


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Another wet and breezy one this morning so opted for the short run. Strange, but it feels like I'm cheating when going straight in, it's seems over as soon as its started!


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Just as I was about to leave. The mother of all cloud bursts hit. And boy it was a big one. There was no way I was going to head out in that, so decided another cup of tea was in order. 20 minutes later it had stopped and blue sky appeared. So got out of the door and was on my way.
I didn't change the gear cable of my commuter last night, I'll do that at the weekend. So I grabbed my Sunday best Van Nich Ti. The first time I have used it on a commute. And Jeez.. what a joy. It really was lovely, such a difference ride to the Alu, panniered commuter. It was so much smoother, quicker and nippier. The only downside is that I had to use a rucksack.. boo to weights on your back, really uncomfortable, even though it's a cycling specific rucksack.
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