Tales from today's commute....

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Fun chat with a driver this morning.

Coming up to a set of lights, there was ample room on the left to filter to the front, where there is a large advanced stop line box - whatever they're called. As I got alongside the car at the front of the queue - which had been stationary - it rolled forward into the red box, meaning I had nowhere to go, really.

So I tapped on his window, and he wound it down. In my normal voice just said "The red bit of the road with the huge bicycle on it is so cyclists can go there and be seen by drivers, not for you to edge forward into" He looked old enough to have passed his test before such things existed, so I hoped it might educate him - he didn't say much, and then the lights changed.

At the next set of lights there was no room up the inside of him so I waited behind him. He got out of his car to come and talk to me. "Here we go" I thought - I've never been in a fight in my life but I had 20 years, a few inches in height and about 20kg of bike and panniers on him so I wasn't unduly bothered. He walked over to me, weighed up his options and said "You should be wearing a helmet!" "There is no legal obligation for me to do so" I replied. "Yes there is" he said, and got back in his car.

As road rage goes it wasn't exactly Ronnie Pickering.


Senior Member
Fun chat with a driver this morning.

Coming up to a set of lights, there was ample room on the left to filter to the front, where there is a large advanced stop line box - whatever they're called. As I got alongside the car at the front of the queue - which had been stationary - it rolled forward into the red box, meaning I had nowhere to go, really.

So I tapped on his window, and he wound it down. In my normal voice just said "The red bit of the road with the huge bicycle on it is so cyclists can go there and be seen by drivers, not for you to edge forward into" He looked old enough to have passed his test before such things existed, so I hoped it might educate him - he didn't say much, and then the lights changed.

At the next set of lights there was no room up the inside of him so I waited behind him. He got out of his car to come and talk to me. "Here we go" I thought - I've never been in a fight in my life but I had 20 years, a few inches in height and about 20kg of bike and panniers on him so I wasn't unduly bothered. He walked over to me, weighed up his options and said "You should be wearing a helmet!" "There is no legal obligation for me to do so" I replied. "Yes there is" he said, and got back in his car.

As road rage goes it wasn't exactly Ronnie Pickering.

Who? :laugh:


Beautiful sunny morning here by the Severn, but the wind, it was like a cat 5 climb all the way along the flat. Let's hope the wind stays in the same direction for the way home.


Senior Member
Seemed the same for me up in Manchester, eerily quiet when I set off, I though I was a couple of hours early.


Velo, boulot, dodo
Returned via the lanes and, when closer to home, bridleways. Very nice.

Some motorist pulled over to let me pass on a narrow lane so I fully extended my arm and flattened my hand in acknowledgement. As I passed he said 'THANKYOU' loudly and sarcastically. Next time hand me a calling card, I'll send you a farking hamper. Cock-end.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Not a commute today, but a leisure ride on the StIves to Cambridge Busway commuter route.
Tailwind there, headwind back 6 hours later.
Blimey, but they breed herds of flying bugs as you near Stives in the afternoon!!!
I thought I was being blasted by a blunderbus loaded with them :laugh::hungry:


Nice morning ride in with a touch of wind, so so far that's wind most days going both directions :smile: here's hoping it's behind me tonight! tgif!


Active Member
First and last commute of the week. Lovely and sunny, short sleeves morning.
Bit of a tailwind too. Think it'll be more of a battle on the way home. Numpty
count 0.
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