Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
There are no Isles round here.


West Somerset
Wiggle parcel #1 has arrived ... with 'bo :hyper: Just hope #2 arrives tomorrow. <bites nails>

Trying to decide if I missed a bit when I cut my hair earlier. :scratch: Oh well, I usually do. Anyone who expects anything different will continue to disappointed. :thumbsup: Have also hoovered.

Does anyone want to go out to the shed for me to see if my puncture repair worked?


Vice Admiral
:wacko: I would like some very strong :cuppa: please. :wacko::banghead:

I have just had a very long tedious conversation with my Mother. :wacko: Sometimes I think she forgets who she is talking to, and she often does not hear what I say. :wacko:


Vice Admiral
I had planned to visit her this Sunday. She detailed about twenty problems, all fairly minor, that she is having. I cannot face sitting with her indoors listening to all these problems again and again. Fortunately she has very good neighbours. One of whom is going to take her to a garden centre this weekend. She has a party to attend tomorrow afternoon, and someone will be giving her a lift there and back. Another neighbour is sorting her phone batteries for her. My brother is trying to sort out her bank account.

I would happily help her, but if she cannot hear what I am saying, and does not think I know what I am talking about it makes things very difficult nearly impossible. :cry:


West Somerset
I had planned to visit her this Sunday. She detailed about twenty problems, all fairly minor, that she is having. I cannot face sitting with her indoors listening to all these problems again and again. Fortunately she has very good neighbours. One of whom is going to take her to a garden centre this weekend. She has a party to attend tomorrow afternoon, and someone will be giving her a lift there and back. Another neighbour is sorting her phone batteries for her. My brother is trying to sort out her bank account.

I would happily help her, but if she cannot hear what I am saying, and does not think I know what I am talking about it makes things very difficult nearly impossible. :cry:

Does she get any official help/support?


Vice Admiral

Does she get any official help/support?

Long story short, no. She used to get "home help" but did not want to continue with that. She has a cleaner once a week for an hour an a half. My brother, sister-in-law and I all said she needed more regular support/help/assistance but she does not agree.

As Rocky says, if she made a list, it would clarify things. If I had twenty things to sort, I would write a list, and keep track of what is happening. I think the short answer is that at 92 she is losing the ability to concentrate and remember things.

She consistently asks my advice, or asks if I agree with her about whatever it is, then she either contradicts what I have said, or ignores my advice. :banghead:
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