Tea? (Part 2)

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Rare Migrant
TheDoctor said:
Sorry, Waffles, but you're wrong.
Earl Grey is delicious.


Better than that fruity / herby nonsence, anyhow. Peppermint tea, I ask you.

You are Joe24 AICMFP.

Arch said:
Woo hoo! You now own that lovely fireplace?

Party at Landslide's everyone!

Subject to surveys and all that other legal gubbins. Beer will be provided. BYOPaintbrush.


Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex


Vice Admiral
wafflycat said:
Just been out to check on The Laydeez. One of them is practising her ostrich impersonations. The egg produced is a good 50% larger than the normal eggs The Laydeez produce, and the eggs they produce would be classed as large or extra large if commercially produced.

You will be very pleased to hear, that I now get my eggs (the few that I use) from someone who keeps a few hens. As to the size of the eggs, some are two-thirds the size of others. So when baking a sponge cake or sponge pudding (with treacle), I presume I need to revert to the method of weighing the eggs and using the same weight of flour, sugar, butter etc?


Taking the biscuit
Morning all, congratulations Landers! *scarey real life stuff!*

Today I once again board the carousel of trying to communicate with the benefits office so they don't just cut me off and wait even more patiently for payment for work that has been outstanding since June.

A wonderful position, all the paperwork(time sheets, pay slips and monies) are supposedly somewhere in the postal system and the local council that owes me won't stop the cheques and pay the money into my account instead.:biggrin:

So I can tell the Benefits Agency that I have been working but I have no proof of hours or earnings.:smile:

This working life thing is a bit complicated isn't it?!

Need more tea for my nerves.


Rare Migrant

'Nuff tea for ya?


New Member
tdr1nka said:
OMG! I have one of those mugs!!

Wot, the one on the right?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Uncle Phil said:
... and the healthiest kidneys on the forum...

Have you been secretly diagnosing our kidneys via the internet? Blimey, that's scary stuff they do at your lab...


Über Member
HelenD123 said:
What are you doing at college Gromit?

Few back from college, what a day.

Hiya HelenD123 I'm doing a foundation degree in Horticulture at Askham Bryan college in York.

Lots of inductions and team building exercises, we played the bridge game, 4 people on each end of the bridge, trying to get to the other side, involving climbing over each other in order to achieve it.

We also played with a para shoot.

Blind sheep,

Tower building using newspaper, ours was the tallest. :thumbsup:

Oh and a silly water game with leaking cups.

Arch we had a lovely few days away in Prague, it was nice and sunny, the wedding was lovely too. :smile:

Amanda P

Legendary Member
Arch said:
Have you been secretly diagnosing our kidneys via the internet? Blimey, that's scary stuff they do at your lab...

I can fairly confidently predict the health status of tdr1nka's kidneys because I've seen first hand the amount of fluid he drinks. His possession of another very large mug besides the ones I've seen only confirms my long-range diagnosis.


New Member

Just consumed a veritable market garden of salad. Homegrown lettuce, tomatoes, beansprouts. The cucumber was bought *hangs head in shame*, with a homemade burger.


Beg pardon!
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