Team BKool CycleChat

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I'll be there until the bitter end.
Nothing like a BKool Cup to get the heart pumping, but not cause you're exhausted.

Me too I would think. Bkool seem to have mostly ironed out the dead stops and now need to work on their league result updates. I've had one dead stop in the latest league but that was me really overdoing it during a transition that my ghost, which was with me at the time, did not suffer.


Legendary Member
I'm going to do a mix of Bkool and Zwift for the time being. Riding on Zwift takes a bit of getting used to after only doing Bkool for a couple of years, but I am gradually getting used to it. There's a few things which I didn't like or made no sense to me which I am now gradually coming round to or getting used to. The racing is different on Zwift. Most races I've done have been 45-50 minutes, and due to the number of participants it's much more about tactics and getting into a group etc. whilst most Bkool races are like a solo time trial


I'm going to do a mix of Bkool and Zwift for the time being. Riding on Zwift takes a bit of getting used to after only doing Bkool for a couple of years, but I am gradually getting used to it. There's a few things which I didn't like or made no sense to me which I am now gradually coming round to or getting used to. The racing is different on Zwift. Most races I've done have been 45-50 minutes, and due to the number of participants it's much more about tactics and getting into a group etc. whilst most Bkool races are like a solo time trial

Your own virtual sprint road race. :okay:

Del C

I'm going to do a mix of Bkool and Zwift for the time being. Riding on Zwift takes a bit of getting used to after only doing Bkool for a couple of years, but I am gradually getting used to it. There's a few things which I didn't like or made no sense to me which I am now gradually coming round to or getting used to. The racing is different on Zwift. Most races I've done have been 45-50 minutes, and due to the number of participants it's much more about tactics and getting into a group etc. whilst most Bkool races are like a solo time trial

What are the main differences between Bkool and Zwift?

I bought a Bkool Smart Pro about 15 months ago. I used it last winter instead of going out on the road when it was icy and enjoyed it much more than a static turbo. I had a few problems with videos freezing, but on the whole found it a huge step up from an old style turbo.

I enjoyed the Summer Cup, and after lurking around on the Cycle Chat forum, finally decided to join up and enter the Chain Gang. This month was my first league. It's the first time I've ridden any significant downhill rides. They've taken a bit of getting used to, but I've enjoyed them, even with soem video freezing issues on CG4.

A friend of mine was trying to get me to ride Zwift last year. My thoughts then were that Bkool had pretty much everything I wanted, so I stayed with it. Since then, having read more 3D rides on Bkool, I can't help but compare the small number of riders on Bkool rides to the numbers on Zwift, and with soem more freezing videos and reading the number of negative comments on here, I'm planning to give Zwift a go.

So, really, I've got a couple of questions. As I asked at the top, what have you found the main differences to be and have you found Zwift a better experience than Bkool. Secondly, does Smart Pro work well with Zwift? I thought I'd seem somebody question how well they work together.

Also, anyone have any views on alternatives like BigRingVR?

Sorry for the long question, but would appreciate other's views.


TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
What are the main differences between Bkool and Zwift?

So, really, I've got a couple of questions. As I asked at the top, what have you found the main differences to be and have you found Zwift a better experience than Bkool. Secondly, does Smart Pro work well with Zwift? I thought I'd seem somebody question how well they work together.
@Whorty is the man for this question

Also, anyone have any views on alternatives like BigRingVR?

Sorry for the long question, but would appreciate other's views.
I'm really enjoying BRVR. The video is superb and there is no lag or stuttering for me. The power reported by my trainer is about the same as my power meter. BRVR is a sim of real world rides not a racing or training platform, although you can add pacers apparently (I have not done this)

The big plus for me is you can segment a ride. Pikes Peak is one I did over 4 sessions of about 1 hour each. Each one hurt more than the last.

I can't get an accurate resistance due to my weight and trainer combo (127kg and a bkool classic) on any platforn, I essentially end up riding at max resistance on anything above 6%, but I do get an accurate speed for my power/weight so I end up 'riding' for the correct amount of time on BRVR.

Give it a go because it is currently in beta so is free to use once you sign up.


@Del C

Believe it or not, fundamentally, there isn't much difference between Bkool and Zwift. There are subtle difference but as they say its the small things that count. Zwift works, it doesnt have annoying little glitches of Bkool, like dead stops, leagues not updating, video freezing, loss of rides into the internet ether.
The Bkool platform favours their own trainer, so if you're competitive and lets face most of us are, you will be disadvantaged with another Make of trainer. Solo rides are fine on Bkool just not competitve racing.
Zwift is much more Social in setup with huge group ride-outs(virtual) The racing is hugely competitive with races for all levels every hour 7 days week. You can see your position on Zwift power after the race, dubious results are flagged up and either banned or promoted into the higher category. Zwift tries to level all trainers in performance and even though the Bkool Pro is recognised as being overly generous in power and speed it registers-if you unplug it before Zwift session it seems to perform very well. Some Bkool users have added Power meters to their setup and use the Bkool unit as a simple resistance device. They have reported lower power, but importantly consistent in performance.

All I can say further is try both platforms for the trial period and ride the routes and do a race or two.-Then decide:okay:

BigRingVR is Beta but is getting good reviews- again give it a go

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
What are the main differences between Bkool and Zwift?

I bought a Bkool Smart Pro about 15 months ago. I used it last winter instead of going out on the road when it was icy and enjoyed it much more than a static turbo. I had a few problems with videos freezing, but on the whole found it a huge step up from an old style turbo.

I enjoyed the Summer Cup, and after lurking around on the Cycle Chat forum, finally decided to join up and enter the Chain Gang. This month was my first league. It's the first time I've ridden any significant downhill rides. They've taken a bit of getting used to, but I've enjoyed them, even with soem video freezing issues on CG4.

A friend of mine was trying to get me to ride Zwift last year. My thoughts then were that Bkool had pretty much everything I wanted, so I stayed with it. Since then, having read more 3D rides on Bkool, I can't help but compare the small number of riders on Bkool rides to the numbers on Zwift, and with soem more freezing videos and reading the number of negative comments on here, I'm planning to give Zwift a go.

So, really, I've got a couple of questions. As I asked at the top, what have you found the main differences to be and have you found Zwift a better experience than Bkool. Secondly, does Smart Pro work well with Zwift? I thought I'd seem somebody question how well they work together.

Also, anyone have any views on alternatives like BigRingVR?

Sorry for the long question, but would appreciate other's views.

I like Bkool because it works for me, it fits my needs and I’m a fan of the velodrome. I probably have one of the slowest internet speeds on the forum being in the middle of knowhere and with a dodgy phone line - yet it still meets my expectations. I, like many others, have suffered frustrations with Bkool, however, when I’ve had to contact them with my problems, they’ve fixed them. I love the CycleChat leagues and it will be a huge shame if they stop due to the Zwift exodus - I don’t post on here as much as I used to do due to the pain and emotional loss of losing my virtual friends to the dark side . :cry:

In the meantime I’ll continue to participate in the CycleChat and Bkool leagues and fly the flag for Team Beige. :giggle:

In summary - if my Pro dies, I’ll buy another. I don’t care about watts or whether it isn’t like the real world, I just want to keep fit and drink beer. :cheers:

I hope this helped..
Last edited:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
@Del C

Believe it or not, fundamentally, there isn't much difference between Bkool and Zwift. There are subtle difference but as they say its the small things that count. Zwift works, it doesnt have annoying little glitches of Bkool, like dead stops, leagues not updating, video freezing, loss of rides into the internet ether.
The Bkool platform favours their own trainer, so if you're competitive and lets face most of us are, you will be disadvantaged with another Make of trainer. Solo rides are fine on Bkool just not competitve racing.
Zwift is much more Social in setup with huge group ride-outs(virtual) The racing is hugely competitive with races for all levels every hour 7 days week. You can see your position on Zwift power after the race, dubious results are flagged up and either banned or promoted into the higher category. Zwift tries to level all trainers in performance and even though the Bkool Pro is recognised as being overly generous in power and speed it registers-if you unplug it before Zwift session it seems to perform very well. Some Bkool users have added Power meters to their setup and use the Bkool unit as a simple resistance device. They have reported lower power, but importantly consistent in performance.

All I can say further is try both platforms for the trial period and ride the routes and do a race or two.-Then decide:okay:

BigRingVR is Beta but is getting good reviews- again give it a go

I use both so I'll give my personal experience:

dead stops - sometimes seen in BKool on some courses, specifically where it goes from big down to sharp incline. I also see this in Zwift from KOM on the descent when heading to the tower when it goes up sharply.

leagues not updating - very annoying in BKool when you've put all your time and effort into a league and their update process fails to run. Leagues is where (for me) BKool should excel over Zwift but they let themselves down. This is one reason why I use Zwift more now. As for Zwift, it doesn't do leagues, it relies on third party websites like Zwiftpower. These mostly work well although if the admin aren't happy with your power numbers, or you use a 'dumb' trainer and cadence sensor, then your ride will be kicked out of the league (at least for Cat A, sometimes all cats)

video freezing - never happened to me on Bkool but others report it. Never going to be a problem in Zwift as it doesn't have any videos as only 'cartoon' graphics are used. I have however had problems with Zwift graphics freezing, mostly on the London course which is strange.

loss of rides into the internet ether - not had this with either Bkool or Zwift. Rides sometimes sit in the BKool ether for a few days but for me at least it has always turned up eventually

Bkool Pro works the same for me in Bkool and Zwift. I seem to get lower power/watts in Zwift so it does seem to give us an advantage in Bkool against other trainers. But if you're only concerned with your own times and improvements it doesn't really make that much difference. Most Bkool racers are on Bkool trainers so it's kind of equal now.

I was a big fan of Bkool but i'm using Zwift more as i find it easier to ride for longer - there are always other riders on line so time goes by quicker (if you know what i mean), My aim is to lose some weight and get some miles in my legs so Zwift is good for that.

Zwift lacks a long climb. The main 'KOM' is about 35 mins - could do with at least double that. Rumours are that something is coming (and it's not just winter!)

Zwift and Bkool racing is like chalk and cheese. Bkool is like a TT trial - balls out and the fastest wins. Zwift is more tactical and the strongest doesn't always win. Bkool, all riders are in the same race. Zwift is categorised - if you end up in the wrong category (you choose it yourself) you will most likely be disqualified. As such, Zwift racing is taken very seriously, cheating and sandbagging is rampant and you may be ostracised (seriously, some of the Zwift Racers take this far too seriously!!). I do like Zwift racing, the tactical side is interesting after the BKool style of racing. I rarely get off the bike with Zwift racing feeling liek I want to vom .... BKool, I rarely get off not WANTING to vom xx( I definitely work harder on Bkool races :sweat:

As Andy says, Zwift is more social, Bkool is more solo.

Hope this helps? Try them both out - see what suits your style.


In summary - if my Pro dies, I’ll buy another. I don’t care about watts or whether it isn’t like the real world, I just want to keep fit and drink beer. :cheers:

I hope this helped..
unfortunately I'm a little too fond of beer for my own good. Has a critical moment this weekend, after coming home from a real world ride only to find out nobody was home and I've forgot my key. Stuck in the garage with a fridge full of beers, and was just about to pop open an 8.5% huge beer when the wife returned.


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
I like Bkool because it works for me, it fits my needs and I’m a fan of the velodrome. I probably have one of the slowest internet speeds on the forum being in the middle of knowhere and with a dodgy phone line - yet it still meets my expectations. I, like many others, have suffered frustrations with Bkool, however, when I’ve had to contact them with my problems, they’ve fixed them. I love the CycleChat leagues and it will be a huge shame if they stop due to the Zwift exodus - I don’t post on here as much as I used to do due to the pain and emotional loss of losing my virtual friends to the dark side . :cry:

In the meantime I’ll continue to participate in the CycleChat and Bkool leagues and fly the flag for Team Beige. :giggle:

In summary - if my Pro dies, I’ll buy another. I don’t care about watts or whether it isn’t like the real world, I just want to keep fit and drink beer. :cheers:

I hope this helped..
I wish I could be like you @Jim Brown :okay: Watts don't bother me either apart from knowing that the number it shows is getting bigger relative to what it was (no point comparing to anyone else!). I will almost certainly be back on Bkool soon, but want to get some long rides in and try and lose some fat.

I'm torn ... the leagues not updating is the killer for me. I put so much effort in and when they don't update I get so frustrated.

Del C

Thanks for the answers guys.

The Bkool replies confirm what I felt when I started, that it works well for solo training. I've enjoyed doing some of the big climbs, especially when I can compare to ones I've ridden in real life. I've also enjoyed some of the rolling rides, especially the ones in the Dales and Lake District where you get a good mix of climbing and descent.

I didn't find the 3D rides very interesting until I entered the Summer Cup. The ghost riders and others joining on the line made 3D more interesting, but really it was the competition that probably made the difference. But, the small numbers of competitors was really started making me think I should really give Zwift a go, especially with the number of races that I understood were available which @Whorty confirms in his reply.

I've looked at the BigRingVR website and reviews sound good, so I'll probably take @CXRAndy's advice and try it in Beta.

So, at the end of that, how many Cycle Chat Forum threads do I need to join? Does that me a splitter, a splitter's splitter or what? :laugh::wacko:

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
unfortunately I'm a little too fond of beer for my own good. Has a critical moment this weekend, after coming home from a real world ride only to find out nobody was home and I've forgot my key. Stuck in the garage with a fridge full of beers, and was just about to pop open an 8.5% huge beer when the wife returned.

I hope you stayed in the garage.

I’ve cycled and drunk beer for over 35 years, with exactly the same amount of passion - my doctor reports that I’m as fit as a flea and that I’m also an oxymoron, :eek:

Daddy Pig

unfortunately I'm a little too fond of beer for my own good. Has a critical moment this weekend, after coming home from a real world ride only to find out nobody was home and I've forgot my key. Stuck in the garage with a fridge full of beers, and was just about to pop open an 8.5% huge beer when the wife returned.
I've got a couple of 16% beers in the cupboard just waiting for the right time... Scandinavian to boot! :cheers:

Bored Man

Upstanding Member
Thanks for the answers guys.

The Bkool replies confirm what I felt when I started, that it works well for solo training. I've enjoyed doing some of the big climbs, especially when I can compare to ones I've ridden in real life. I've also enjoyed some of the rolling rides, especially the ones in the Dales and Lake District where you get a good mix of climbing and descent.

I didn't find the 3D rides very interesting until I entered the Summer Cup. The ghost riders and others joining on the line made 3D more interesting, but really it was the competition that probably made the difference. But, the small numbers of competitors was really started making me think I should really give Zwift a go, especially with the number of races that I understood were available which @Whorty confirms in his reply.

I've looked at the BigRingVR website and reviews sound good, so I'll probably take @CXRAndy's advice and try it in Beta.

So, at the end of that, how many Cycle Chat Forum threads do I need to join? Does that me a splitter, a splitter's splitter or what? :laugh::wacko:

Start your own thread.. :thumbsup:
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