The CycleChat Helmet Debate Thread

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a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll
The sliding layer being called "Skin"
or in some cases, a woolly hat or cotton cap.


Remember Remember some date in November Member
That's one of the clearest articles I've read on the subject. Recommended
There is one commenter on that article who has his own take and has published it on his own site. Amongst its discussion is this paragraph which I thought sums up the 'fear sells' aspect rather well:-

"As much as we might like to believe otherwise, Americans live in a culture of fear. And fear is lucrative. If you can make people afraid of something (e.g., gluten, cholesterol, body odor, terrorists) you can sell them a “solution”. And they’ll stand in line, ready to pay because, whatever the price, “it’s a small price to pay” for the promised security. It doesn’t matter if there’s no rational basis for the product or if the problem is wildly inflated or if the “solution” is ineffective or worse than the problem. Once people are afraid, they are easily led and ready to buy anything that supposedly makes them safe. Fear sells massive SUVs to soccer moms. It sells insurance. It sells magazines. It sells cosmetics. It sells wars. And it sells bicycle helmet"


Formerly just_fixed
Very happy to see this thread take a turn into the sunshine. Finally intelligent people are starting to just think that maybe, just maybe helmet suppliers are a bit iffy
Actually I came across a good idea from a helmet company

Forgetting for a moment that this is more of a promotion for their helmet than an honest appraisal of helmet viability

If properly supervised and authenticated this idea could be worthwhile.


Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
Meier Hillman pointed out many years ago, that if the money, effort, dedication and evangelism of the pro-helmet lobby was directed to real cycle safety, everyone would benefit greatly

I was lucky enough to live next door to Hillman for a few years. He was years ahead of his time and a real inspiration. He's probably one of the main reasons I took up cycling.
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