The justice league of camera cyclist ride out.

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Legendary Member
Make your mind up.
It was a close pass but it wasn't all that close, pretty standard IMO, Dweeb decided to blow his horn and then undertook (still an illegal manouvere as far as I know) and 'ramped' the cabbies anger up further.
Now where is that thread ignore button, cos I'm getting fed up with this argument and feel that they are both pillocks.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
really? If I'd tutted to myself and though w@nker (as is my usual with a close pass when I'm clearly in primary and have an 'out' if necessary) the driver would have spontaneously slammed his anchors on and if I'd then driven round him, pulled alongside shouting something out of his window at me?

the driver responded to the airzound, the airzound responded to the first poor pass and so the escalation goes. it took two to tango.

He's supposedly a professional driver with a duty of care to other road user's and passengers. It was pure vindictiveness that he knocked droid over. I'm not saying that droid wasn't at fault and I agree he does escalate situations however the taxi driver could have just stopped and given him an earful but no, he decided to use his car as a weapon and that is unforgivable.


An Peanut
come on be fair. the taxi didn't spontaneously brake, he responded being beeped at, for all we & sotw know at that point he might have been concerned for any reason under the sun and asking what the beeping was for to help or fix the problem in a nice manner. We don't have the benefit of the second pass there and then to judge if sotw further aggravated the situation after already escalating a poor pass with his airzound.

we also don't see anything of the aftermath of sotw hitting the deck and how the taxi driver responded, i suspect if it had been an aggressive and abusive tirade or just driving off, we'd have had that youtubed for posterity so the justice league get to score another martyr point, that the video cuts off so abruptly where it does is more than a tad suspicious from an impartial point of view.

The taxi driver knocked off the cyclist - you seem to think that is alright?


Rollin' along
He's supposedly a professional driver with a duty of care to other road user's and passengers. It was pure vindictiveness that he knocked droid over. I'm not saying that droid wasn't at fault and I agree he does escalate situations however the taxi driver could have just stopped and given him an earful but no, he decided to use his car as a weapon and that is unforgivable.
I agree and said in my original post on this segment of the thread the driving was well below standard and should be looked at by the licensing authority. the driver is 100% at fault for sotw hitting the deck, but I still think, having just looked at the video a couple more times, that it is poor car control and poor positional sense as the driver is trying to give him the earful you suggest, you can hear something is being shouted on the video from inside the taxi.


An Peanut
It was a close pass but it wasn't all that close, pretty standard IMO, Dweeb decided to blow his horn and then undertook (still an illegal manouvere as far as I know) and 'ramped' the cabbies anger up further.
Now where is that thread ignore button, cos I'm getting fed up with this argument and feel that they are both pillocks.

Or you can read it as: Cyclist uses horn to say 'I am here'. Cabbie slams on brakes and pulls in to intimidate cyclist. Cyclist filters past quite legally. Cabbie crashes into cyclist on purpose. It all depends on your point of view.


Rollin' along
It is the vehement defence of the driver that gave that impression.

I set my stall out on page 5

I quoted GW
Christ- what a lunatic driver! Hopefully that will have been their final fare.

and replied

Yes. looks like the taxi driver took offence at the hooting and stopped for a chat, sotw rode on by, apparently not keen on explaining himself and the driver came too close to have round 2 of the conversation, its muffled but sounds like 'whats your problem' as the taxi shoulder barges him off his bike. Poor car control I suspect rather than a deliberate attack, but either way, I wouldn't want to be in or near that cab.

From what the vid shows the first pass was too close and deserves looking at by the licensing authority, but cyclist with an agenda coming tooled up to fight a ton and a half of vehicle with an airzound is only going to have one winner when (not if) they meet mr angry.

I suspect if sotw reports it to the cops, the driver will have good grounds to claim provocation and the accident only happened because sotw didn't stop when it would have been easy to do so & driver felt forced into a risky manoeuvre by the cyclist hooting and then just riding on by when he'd stopped to ask if anything was wrong.

the underlined bit, we can all put our hands on: sun blinded me, they weren't wearing hi viz/helmet/had headphones in/jumped off the pavement, or just plain SMIDSY stories of drivers getting away with dreadful acts in cars against other vulnerable road users, just putting a pragmatic head on how the system seems to work now.

thank god I'm not a defence barrister with that vehemence eh.

Just because I try to take an impartial look at events and don't instantly join the hang, shoot & flog him gang, I'm vehemently defending a 100% pi$$ poor piece of driving??????

over and out.


Legendary Member
I agree and said in my original post on this segment of the thread the driving was well below standard and should be looked at by the licensing authority. the driver is 100% at fault for sotw hitting the deck, but I still think, having just looked at the video a couple more times, that it is poor car control and poor positional sense as the driver is trying to give him the earful you suggest, you can hear something is being shouted on the video from inside the taxi.

The PCO do not deal with complaints of poor driving. However, if the cabbie was abusive, they might look into that aspect (but I would not expect much).
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It all depends on your point of view.

My point of view is informed by years of experience of attempts being made to bully and intimidate me by other road users - unfortunately cabbies have presented me with numerous examples of very similar behaviour. The intentional close pass (and I mean putting themselves at some inconvenience to get themselves into position to commit it) followed by the intentional hit is not at all unusual. I have no doubt this driver's behaviour of bullying, intimidation and recklessness was intentional.


Legendary Member
I set my stall out on page 5

I quoted GW

and replied

the underlined bit, we can all put our hands on: sun blinded me, they weren't wearing hi viz/helmet/had headphones in/jumped off the pavement, or just plain SMIDSY stories of drivers getting away with dreadful acts in cars against other vulnerable road users, just putting a pragmatic head on how the system seems to work now.

thank god I'm not a defence barrister with that vehemence eh.

Just because I try to take an impartial look at events and don't instantly join the hang, shoot & flog him gang, I'm vehemently defending a 100% pi$$ poor piece of driving??????

over and out.

If you hadn't realised, an equally trenchant gang seem to want to "hang, shoot and flog" SOTW.

I don't think you are vehemently defending piss poor driving, but if you can't see that your posts are little ambiguous and pollyanna-like at times, you might want to consider your choice of words more carefully.

Anyway, I'm glad to see you have downgraded the driving from "poor" to a "100% pi$$ poor".
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