The Retirement Thread

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Morning retirees. Seems a bit brighter today. :hello:


Started young, and still going.
Good morning all, nice and sunny here . The heating came on this morning so it must of been chilly last night. I now have the windows open as I have a bunged up nose due to the heating coming on:rolleyes:
Drinking a mug of tea in bed and contemplating the day. The dog will be walked via the cafe and then back out on the bike for the 3rd day in a row.


Legendary Member
A bit warmer here also. I see yesterday has gone down as the coldest May bank holiday on record. It was close to freezing where we were.
Will try and get to the Docs today. I used to get an automated repeat presription via the chemist but apparently the government have stopped that. Crazy. Many of the sick are elderly, have no car and dont do computers.......what are they supposed to do ?
Have a good day.


Leg End Member
A bit warmer here also. I see yesterday has gone down as the coldest May bank holiday on record. It was close to freezing where we were.
Will try and get to the Docs today. I used to get an automated repeat presription via the chemist but apparently the government have stopped that. Crazy. Many of the sick are elderly, have no car and dont do computers.......what are they supposed to do ?
Have a good day.
They stopped them in February last year. Apparantly the wrong people were getting the medication meant for someone else.


Legendary Member
@classic33 I understand and largely agree with much of your post. Thank you. I'm a firm believer in listening to and following medical advice to a point. That point is to get well and continue with my life as before.

I am always determined to get better. In two serious situations doctors have said my overall fitness has both saved me and helped my recovery. To see me you would never know I had a heart attack 3.5 years ago and a brain haemorrage in January.

The haemorrage is very scary as there is no warning. I feel fully recovered but have to await Friday's scan results. My wife says it may have to be a lifestyle choice, in which I would involve her and my sons in. My great friend and confidant told me on Saturday it's about my mental and physical health.

If I decide cycling has to stop I shall throw myself in to other activities. One would be increased walking, another to help set up the new branch of the U3A (University of the Third Age) which is being born locally now.

Apart from my love of cycling for itself my fear is I would lose several good friends. Again my friend put it very well on Saturday. Cycling is the common denominator which pulls us together, without it I would never have met those people.

We shall see. I am fully recovered, I have to understand the cycling risk and I'm not going to watch paint dry!!

Thank you again
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Deleted member 1258

A bit warmer here also. I see yesterday has gone down as the coldest May bank holiday on record. It was close to freezing where we were.
Will try and get to the Docs today. I used to get an automated repeat presription via the chemist but apparently the government have stopped that. Crazy. Many of the sick are elderly, have no car and dont do computers.......what are they supposed to do ?
Have a good day.

I have to phone for mine, POD, pescription on demand, I order they send it to my designated pharmacist.. I order my wife's online for her on the doctors website and they deliver.
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Legendary Member
After my cancer op went t*ts up I lost 3 1/2 pints of blood as they couldnt stop the bleeding. What was expected to be a one hour op plus 24 hrs in hospital turned into a nearly 9 hour op plus 8 days in hospital.
Like you I felt the need to talk it through with anyone who would listen (whether they liked it or not :laugh:)

Yes, I agree. I have three motivations in talking about illness:

Men, in particular, can ignore warning signs and it's important we recognise the need to seek advice. Especially as we get older.

It helps me to talk.

Finally there is still a reluctance to talk about poor health. I believe this is something which should be openly discussed for many reasons. I freely admit my mental state for short period left me looking down the very black tunnel of depression - such things need to be in the open.


Legendary Member
I have been getting mine automatically until last month :blush:

My pharmacy has become much tighter on this recently. For 3+ years the meds were left in the back porch with no repeat prescriptions. A monthly email to the pharmacy as a reminder was enough.

Today I have to get a six monthly repeat from the GP and be in to sign for delivery. Now I walk over the fields to collect. Exercise and meds.

It's not good for the elderly or infirm.
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