The Retirement Thread

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If 6 Was 9
When you say "the papers" you mean like daily newspapers ? Have TBH I haven't bought a newspaper for years but its incredible they could stoop so low.
I also don't do facebook.
I suddenly feel like a sad man.:wacko:
Here's one example.

Deleted member 1258


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I have now officially had enough of all the numpty newsreaders who seem intent on stirring things as much as possible.

When will we have a vaccination. Answer. When it's ready and safe. Reply But they are not telling us when it will be ready. Doh :eek:

Will the lockdown last until June. Answer. We don't know, it depends on so many factors. Hopefully if we all adhere to the rules it might be sooner. Reply. Why are the government not telling us when it will end. Doh again. :eek:

I have decided not to watch the news now. I will listen to the daily update but that's it. :okay:.


Legendary Member
I have now officially had enough of all the numpty newsreaders who seem intent on stirring things as much as possible.

When will we have a vaccination. Answer. When it's ready and safe. Reply But they are not telling us when it will be ready. Doh :eek:

Will the lockdown last until June. Answer. We don't know, it depends on so many factors. Hopefully if we all adhere to the rules it might be sooner. Reply. Why are the government not telling us when it will end. Doh again. :eek:

I have decided not to watch the news now. I will listen to the daily update but that's it. :okay:.
Starting to feel the same. Just drags you down........between the doom and gloom news and the idiots making stuff up in other places!

I have made a slice of toast to have with my coffee.......much more interesting! :laugh:


Legendary Member
Ohh sh*t.
I put a loaf on to bake (bread maker). I must have had it too close to the edge and the vibration has pushed it.
I heard the crash and my poorly bread maker is upside down on the floor, a piece broken off and the lid twisted. AND the dough oozing out.
I managed to get the dough back in, the paddle in place and force the lid down.....I had to weigh it down though.
If if if the bread comesout ok I will see if I can bodge it all up.
Had it years so it owes me nothing but replacing it may not be easy. Argos has one in stock 20 miles away :sad:


Legendary Member
I have now officially had enough of all the numpty newsreaders who seem intent on stirring things as much as possible.

When will we have a vaccination. Answer. When it's ready and safe. Reply But they are not telling us when it will be ready. Doh :eek:

Will the lockdown last until June. Answer. We don't know, it depends on so many factors. Hopefully if we all adhere to the rules it might be sooner. Reply. Why are the government not telling us when it will end. Doh again. :eek:

I have decided not to watch the news now. I will listen to the daily update but that's it. :okay:.
We stopped watching the tv news over a week ago. We listen to the 0700/0800 radio 2 news and thats it.
Just reading about that June forecast. Personally I think we will have done well to meet that goal but as the saying goes 'it will be what it will be' and no number of stupid numpty question will alter it.


Gravitationally challenged member
@Poacher , I see you are in Nottinham. I realise its a big area but do you know West Leake which, I think, is north Nottingham.
Just that our son runs a nice country pub there.....The Star.
Its a bit quiet at the moment though.
Hi Dave, I'm in Carlton, which is the east side of Nottingham. West Leake is about 18km SW from me as the crow flies - damn sight more as the cyclist rides! Must have ridden through there a few times, but I'm more familiar with East Leake, which is erm, to the E of West Leake and a much, much bigger village. When the current crisis is over I'll have a ride out there and make a point of calling in and seeing if name-checking you earns me a discount (only kidding about the discount). A suitable loop could take in Gotham (the inspiration for Batman's home city), West Leake, East Leake and Bunny (which always raises a smile). Here's hoping it will be possible before autumn!


Legendary Member
I have now officially had enough of all the numpty newsreaders who seem intent on stirring things as much as possible.

When will we have a vaccination. Answer. When it's ready and safe. Reply But they are not telling us when it will be ready. Doh :eek:

Will the lockdown last until June. Answer. We don't know, it depends on so many factors. Hopefully if we all adhere to the rules it might be sooner. Reply. Why are the government not telling us when it will end. Doh again. :eek:

I have decided not to watch the news now. I will listen to the daily update but that's it. :okay:.
We dont have a lockdown yet, but the way some people are behaving I'm sure we'll have one soon. It's a policing and martial law/military term that the media have got hold of and are banding around with gusto in order to fan the flames and thus make the public consume the news even more avidly, but they have know idea what it actually means.


Gravitationally challenged member
Ohh sh*t.
I put a loaf on to bake (bread maker). I must have had it too close to the edge and the vibration has pushed it.
I heard the crash and my poorly bread maker is upside down on the floor, a piece broken off and the lid twisted. AND the dough oozing out.
I managed to get the dough back in, the paddle in place and force the lid down.....I had to weigh it down though.
If if if the bread comesout ok I will see if I can bodge it all up.
Had it years so it owes me nothing but replacing it may not be easy. Argos has one in stock 20 miles away :sad:
That's a bugger! Rotten time for it to happen, when loads of people who've never previously taken an interest have rushed out and bought all the bread-making flour, and then, possibly as a result of tiring of kneading, cleared the stores of breadmakers too. Make sure you get a Panasonic as a replacement. :okay:


Legendary Member
Hi Dave, I'm in Carlton, which is the east side of Nottingham. West Leake is about 18km SW from me as the crow flies - damn sight more as the cyclist rides! Must have ridden through there a few times, but I'm more familiar with East Leake, which is erm, to the E of West Leake and a much, much bigger village. When the current crisis is over I'll have a ride out there and make a point of calling in and seeing if name-checking you earns me a discount (only kidding about the discount). A suitable loop could take in Gotham (the inspiration for Batman's home city), West Leake, East Leake and Bunny (which always raises a smile). Here's hoping it will be possible before autumn!
I promise you, if you tell me when you are going, there will be a free pint waiting for you.
Dont forget that.
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