There's a rat in me compost, what am I gonna do?

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Crackle said:
...And cavers and canoeists...

not too mention people who live on the riverbank, like Toad of Toadhall.....!

Should I burn any canoeists I see whilst out on my bike? You can't be too careful.
Noodley said:
Should I burn any canoeists I see whilst out on my bike? You can't be too careful.


....who get Weil's disease.

Anyway, Canoeists are quite difficult to set alight, an airgun might be better.
Noodley said:
Should I burn any canoeists I see whilst out on my bike? You can't be too careful.


....who get Weil's disease.

Anyway, Canoeists are quite difficult to set alight, an airgun might be better.


Crackle said:

....who get Weil's disease.

Anyway, Canoeists are quite difficult to set alight, an airgun might be better.

I reckon a Cairn Terrier or 12 would take care of it. (I have more chance of finding 12 Cairn Terriers than I do of hitting anyone with an airgun!)


Crackle said:

....who get Weil's disease.

Anyway, Canoeists are quite difficult to set alight, an airgun might be better.

I reckon a Cairn Terrier or 12 would take care of it. (I have more chance of finding 12 Cairn Terriers than I do of hitting anyone with an airgun!)


New Member
you really want to avoid is the rat making a nest in your compost, and having lots of little rats. They like compost because it's warm, and can provide food. To discourage them from nesting, you need to stir your compost with a fork regularly

Too right. While forking over our allotment bins some years ago came across a nest of the helpless albino hairless things. Went and got the biggest spade and ...

Taint good but its better than an infestation.

Foxes and cats.


New Member
you really want to avoid is the rat making a nest in your compost, and having lots of little rats. They like compost because it's warm, and can provide food. To discourage them from nesting, you need to stir your compost with a fork regularly

Too right. While forking over our allotment bins some years ago came across a nest of the helpless albino hairless things. Went and got the biggest spade and ...

Taint good but its better than an infestation.

Foxes and cats.


New Member
And another thing:

When did humans ever cause Black Death amongst rats?


New Member
one female = up to 18 babies every 5 to 6 weeks.
each baby = sexual maturity by 5 weeks. each can have up to 18 babies
each "grandchild" = sexual maturity by 5 weeks and so on.

But they all burn the same, right? FLAME ON.


New Member
one female = up to 18 babies every 5 to 6 weeks.
each baby = sexual maturity by 5 weeks. each can have up to 18 babies
each "grandchild" = sexual maturity by 5 weeks and so on.

But they all burn the same, right? FLAME ON.


Smutmaster General
I had a quick look this morning before work.... there was a tiny gap between my chicken wire defence system and the door thing at the bottom....they've exploited this chink in my armour and chewed a hole in the door... (getting behind my concrete slab door blocker system too)... obviously there was summat in there to attract them... that's Saturday morning's first chore, then....;)


Smutmaster General
I had a quick look this morning before work.... there was a tiny gap between my chicken wire defence system and the door thing at the bottom....they've exploited this chink in my armour and chewed a hole in the door... (getting behind my concrete slab door blocker system too)... obviously there was summat in there to attract them... that's Saturday morning's first chore, then....;)
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