Things you are ashamed to admit to....go on do share

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I say hello to the animals that I pass in fields on lone cycle rides.
I saw a mouse sat on the pavement next to the hedge as I was walking to the swimming pool on Tuesday. Intrigued by why it hadn't scuttled away immediately, I squatted down to have a closer look at it. By the look of the passing cyclist, he thought I was crackers. It must have been ailing, it didn't flinch even as I reached out my hand toward it.


Growing old disgracefully
South Wales
I look at my bikes, with more love than for the wife

Surely that's nothing to be ashamed of ?
I look at my bikes, with more love than for the wife

It's all about priorities



Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
It is a vile 'sport' and it is entirely run, managed and played by overpaid prima donnas. I dislike its blokish supporters. I dislike the constant endless analysis when one of the spoilt little diddums manages to score and suddenly becomes an 'ingerlan hero'. I dislike the playacting and how they are allowed to get away with it. I dislike the fact I have to suffer hours of office banter and bullshite every Monday morning. I dislike the questionable owners of clubs. I dislike the constant moaning from supporters about the cost of tickets. I dislike 1966 is rolled out at every opportunity, it was 50 years ago! 50!. I dislike the fact people automatically assume you follow a team then cut you off because you say you don't follow one. I dislike those people who don't like wendyball but like the 'world cup'. I dislike children looking up to wendyballers as some sort of role models. I could go on.

... hmm yep, I actually think I hate it. :okay:
That's a really World Class rant, and it's made my day. I particularly liked "diddums".

Thank you.:cheers:
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