Things you'd like to say, but can't

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Here for rides.
So. Your lack of organisation, attention to detail, sloppy planning and general head-up-your-own-harris-ness, is going to cost us thousands in real live actual cold hard cash this time rather than just wasted effort and energy like it usually does.

And you wonder why I won't give you the pay rise you think you are entitled to?


Well-Known Member
Do me a favour, when you have finished chain eating that (SEVENTH !!!!!!) packet of crisps, can you just give your nose a quick blow for me?

Half an hour of constant sniffing is getting RIGHT ON MY ****ING NERVES !!!!!:cursing::cursing::cursing:

Go on, give it a big blow before you start on your THREE choccy bars.


Do me a favour, when you have finished chain eating that (SEVENTH !!!!!!) packet of crisps, can you just give your nose a quick blow for me?

Half an hour of constant sniffing is getting RIGHT ON MY ****ING NERVES !!!!!:cursing::cursing::cursing:

Go on, give it a big blow before you start on your THREE choccy bars.

Is he on a diet then, sounds like he's cutting down on the old intake??

Moon bunny

Judging your grammar.
Quite normal, but sticky toffee pudding makes me think of fat business men being spoonfed by their nannies, possibly while wearing nappies.


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
If you come into my office to try and get my business, then shake my hand properly, none of that limp wristed stuff, as limp as a wet lettuce stuff. It was weakest handshake I have encountered in many a year.
Sorry it's a silly simple thing but first impressions count.

I wasn't impressed with Bill Gates' limp handshake. I was expecting to be in awe when I met him. I was greatly disappointed.


Midlands UK
If you have problems at home you should keep them there, not bring them into work and you certainly do not slag off your wife to your workmates. You strut around bragging about what you say to her and how you treat her 'you control everything', she is a drunk, bad mother (you go out and leave your kids home alone, pot and kettle) she now wants out and will most likely screw you for what she can get, you are not strutting now are you. You are both as bad as each other, neither of you have my sympathy however I do feel sorry for your kids a) they have you 2 for parents b) you are both making things very messy, your brat of a daughter is already turning into a monster, well that is 4 lives you have ruined you arrogant, obnoxious pile of c**p.


Midlands UK
You are lazy, controlling and delusional. You think everyone likes you and that if your new job doesn't work out, and we all know it won't, then you can always come back here :rofl: no chance child, nobody wants you back.
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