Things you'd like to say, but can't

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That was my second thought, after I had posted the lodger comment.

Wait until offspring goes out and then change the locks?
I know a family who kept totally silent about an impending move until their eldest was safely signed up and had his first day's training with the RAF and then dropped the bombshell that they were all emigrating to Canada that weekend. Knowing the eldest, I can honestly say that I didn't blame them.
Wow. Must be odd to rear a child and really not like/get on with/ them :wacko:


World class procrastinator
Wow. Must be odd to rear a child and really not like/get on with/ them :wacko:
The 'child' was my ex husband and a bigger PITA you will never meet. He'd been in bother with the law a few times and was given the choice of the Armed Forces or prison. He chose the RAF. He would thieve from the house, so I was told by his Mother. He would steal the toys of his younger siblings and sell them or just destroy them. Not a nice child and, as it turned out, not that nice an adult either.

Ratchet Cat

I know you are older than me, but really.
You have the toilet habits of a toddler.
Stop weeing on the seat. Leave the place tidy. There is no need to leave loo paper all over the floor. Lastly, wash your hands.
Other people don't want your germs!!!

Dave the Smeghead

Über Member
Wow. Must be odd to rear a child and really not like/get on with/ them :wacko:

Its even worse when your parents decide that they don't like your choice of partner because they can't manipulate you and her and then force you into choosing between them and your partner.

In keeping with the topic of this thread:
So are you happy now you pathetic needy a'holes? Knowing that you forced the choice on me and I chose her over you two twisting, coniving a'holes?
You are also missing out on your grandchildren who are the 2 most wonderful little girls in the world. Hope that helps to know what you are missing out on!

Sorry forumites but sometimes you can't stop the bile from building up!


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Its even worse when your parents decide that they don't like your choice of partner because they can't manipulate you and her and then force you into choosing between them and your partner.

In keeping with the topic of this thread:
So are you happy now you pathetic needy a'holes? Knowing that you forced the choice on me and I chose her over you two twisting, coniving a'holes?
You are also missing out on your grandchildren who are the 2 most wonderful little girls in the world. Hope that helps to know what you are missing out on!

Sorry forumites but sometimes you can't stop the bile from building up!
But that's what this thread is for - just let it all out here! Don't bottle it up.

Mrs M

Its even worse when your parents decide that they don't like your choice of partner because they can't manipulate you and her and then force you into choosing between them and your partner.

In keeping with the topic of this thread:
So are you happy now you pathetic needy a'holes? Knowing that you forced the choice on me and I chose her over you two twisting, coniving a'holes?
You are also missing out on your grandchildren who are the 2 most wonderful little girls in the world. Hope that helps to know what you are missing out on!

Sorry forumites but sometimes you can't stop the bile from building up!

Sounds like the MIL


Well-Known Member
Mate, you are disgusting!!
6 packets of crisps is not a "nice" lunch.

Oh, lunch isn't over.......... here come the choccie bars.

I am looking forward to not seeing, smelling or hearing you for two weeks.
Thats it. Waddle off for another fag.


North Shields
No, the person you're talking to can't see you, but that doesn't mean they can't hear you. FFS just speak at your normal volume, you don't have to turn it up to 11.

Many people I sit near are guilty of this.


She's the cats pajamas
County Durham
The reason I haven't called or replied is simply because... I dont want to talk to you. For future ref this is referred to as 'occam's razor'.
I'm quite sure you have already decided the multitude of reasons how and why I do what I do because you judge everyone this way, however these are not fact. I will not pander to your whims of insecurity, get off your own a$$ and change things if you dont like it, otherwise quit moaning on. I'm not saying this to your face because you need to learn on your own to fix what you break... slowly slowly catchy monkey...
I looked in the mirror at the car that had been tailgating me through town this morning. Every time the traffic stopped the young lady looked down and to the right of her steering wheel.
Bloody hell facebook must be so important!
She's not the first and won't be the last. It's just a shame there's no-one to catch them.


Vice Admiral
Yes, it is a very important document. I have no idea if you can get a duplicate copy, but I guess not.

YOU did not file it safely, and now YOU have lost it, but it is YOUR important document, and now you are expecting me to find it. No, find it yourself! I am not going to look through ten heaps of paper each of which are about fifteen inches tall. The only reason they are fifteen inches tall, is because any taller than that and they fall over in even more of a muddled heap.

Then perhaps you will see that taking time to be organised saves hours if not days of looking for things.
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