Things you'd like to say, but can't

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Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Why on earth were you putting a hotel door card through the shredder in the first place?
So you stop me from analysing the suspicious nominal codes to stick the figures in the accounts production package, and then send me away again to print of a 17 page set of draft accounts instead of the 2 page trial balance that shows exactly the same information, only to send me away to analyse why the director's loan is a 6 figure debit balance, and I'm the one whose inefficient work has blown the budget for the job?

I feel your pain! Practice based by any chance?
Look, it is not difficult, I have given you idiot proof instructions on how to post to the ledger correctly. Please just once can you stop thinking you know it all and just do it the way I showed you? That way, next month I will not spend 5 hours correcting your postings.

Life was so much easier before they promoted me!

Oh the joys. I am currently trying to unpick old postings for FRS102. We have lots of postings which all needs new treatment due to the legislation change. Thankfully we employed an expert to restate the accounts so I just need to do the detail journals.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Also, where the feck is my food so I can eat it and leave the music behind?!
Yeah. Why is it always the clients with messy books that bitch about fees?

Because they see us as bean counters who do not add value, just tell you how rich or poor they are...
I personally couldn't stand it or doing audit work so got out and moved into the not for profit sector focusing on capital expenditure (large scale fixed asset registers-32k assets plus components).


Getting there, one ride at a time.
Oh the joys. I am currently trying to unpick old postings for FRS102. We have lots of postings which all needs new treatment due to the legislation change. Thankfully we employed an expert to restate the accounts so I just need to do the detail journals.
We have to get everything ready for a SOX audit in Septembe. I am fed up.of correcting mistakes that are just simple carelessness!


Here for rides.
Mate, if you want to do bullying conf calls in your booming voice all day to show incisive and thrusting you are do it in the pods provided, not sat at your desk next to mine. I'm trying to flippin' concentrate.

(I left and went to work in another part of the building)
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