Things you'd like to say, but can't

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Europe Endless
The TerrorVortex
Delivery van drivers.
If you type in the postcode and hit the 'centre of postcode' button because it's quicker than entering the house number, or needs you to read, or be awake or something...
Don't be surprised when you stop outside number 23 'my road' and have to reverse all the way back including around two bends.
Every. Bleedin'. Time.


Vice Admiral
So I am not really invited to your celebrations. You have invited my Mother, but it is too far for her to travel, even though it would be me doing the 200 mile round trip.
I am therefore relegated to being her transport provider. That speaks volumes.

I hope you have a lovely party.


So I am not really invited to your celebrations. You have invited my Mother, but it is too far for her to travel, even though it would be me doing the 200 mile round trip.
I am therefore relegated to being her transport provider. That speaks volumes.

I hope you have a lovely party.
I feel a vehicle fault coming on.

Ratchet Cat

Please stop wasting my time. Just tell me what you want. I don't need the history of your life. Cut to the chase.

You think you know everything but I am unlikely to take dietary advice from someone who is over 20 stones and clearly lives on cakes and takeaways.
I know a hell of a lot more about it than you do. Just because I'm 20 years younger than you doesn't mean I can't be good at anything or have an opinion. Stop treating me like a child who's in the way. If you don't want my help I'll just go home and you can cope on your own.
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