This year in triathlon

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Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
What you up to?

I've been contemplating giving it a proper go this year (after illness and injury put me out of the last sprint tri of the year in 2012)


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I'm doing my first (and 2nd):

- Skipton sprint tri in April; 400m Pool/20k/5k
- Yorkshire tri in July, Olympic distance; 1500m OW/40k/10k

Training's going OK, although I've decided I don't like running :cursing:


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
I know that feeling. I ran for the first time in months on tuesday night. Sub 35min 5k which for time of year/and current hibernation weight, isn't shoddy :biggrin:

Something in the back of mind is telling me to rejoin my local Leisure Center and hit a swim session. Perhaps the threat of snow!

Must find my poolmate watch:shy:


Über Member
Did 2 sprints last year so this year I've signed up for:

Wilmslow Tri 400m Pool/20k/5k - 12 May
Little Bever Tri 1500m OW/40k/10k - 9 Jun
Blithfield Tri 750m OW/20k/5k - 4 Aug
Derby Tri 400m Pool/18k/5k - 15 Sept

As well as my local Half Marathon and the Midland Monster Sportive that should keep me busy for the year ^_^
My 'A' races are european champs, standard distance this time, a bit of fun really out in Turkey for a week. Then Bolton Ironman again.
I probably took on too much last season and it left me with achilles problems which are on the mend.
So 3 early season duathlons, Keswick standard distance and few sprints.


Senior Member
My first ever duathlon, Stokesley on the 24th March. I'm also contemplating the Sun City duathlon. The problem is it's only two weeks after Skokesley and then that's it for the year. I probably need another year to build up the courage to do a triathlon.

I probably took on too much last season and it left me with achilles problems which are on the mend.

Yes you did. And I told you so, but did you listen? ;)


Well-Known Member
Hope to qualify for World Champs standard distance in Hyde Park.
After experiencing the Olympic Triathlon as a Games Maker I think this years World Champs are going to be awesome.
My 'A' races are european champs, standard distance this time, a bit of fun really out in Turkey for a week. Then Bolton Ironman again.
I probably took on too much last season and it left me with achilles problems which are on the mend.
So 3 early season duathlons, Keswick standard distance and few sprints.

I cracked and signed up to Bolton this year. Not done the full IM distance before, only a couple of middle distance races. The target is the cutoff time :blush: Need to get the bike miles in and soon :-) Also doing Outlaw half in June.
Wilmslow Tri 400m Pool/23k/6.2k - May
Deva (Chester) Triathlon - 1.5k/40k/10k - June
Manchester (Salford Quays) - 1.5k/40k/10k - August
South Manchester (Wilmslow redux) - 400m Pool/23k/6.2k - September

Bit of a step up from last year (3 sprints)... I'm using Joe Friel's triathlon training bible to guide my training this year.

Deva is a qualifier for the worlds, but unless my times radically improve I'll be some way off qualifying.
I cracked and signed up to Bolton this year. Not done the full IM distance before, only a couple of middle distance races. The target is the cutoff time :blush: Need to get the bike miles in and soon :-) Also doing Outlaw half in June.

I usually build up my swim while the weather is against us. I get used to doing 4k's so they don't matter. Remember you are going to need a couple of weeks taper in to Bolton and may need a week or so after Outlaw half to get back up to distance.
I usually build up my swim while the weather is against us. I get used to doing 4k's so they don't matter. Remember you are going to need a couple of weeks taper in to Bolton and may need a week or so after Outlaw half to get back up to distance.

Thanks. I'm planning on doing back to back (2x1hr) club swim sessions as soon as the current work on our house has finished. Once open water swimming starts I'll keep up with 2 hr sessions there instead. Doing plenty of running at the moment and building up the distance too. I'll ease off the volume when the bike picks up. The bike worries me most as I've not done much lately so need to build from a none existent base. I think I'll need a little taper before the outlaw half so really need to get some decent century rides in well before June to get the miles in my legs.

Are you up for another blistering time this year? You may well have finished by the time I set off running ::-D:
Are you up for another blistering time this year? You may well have finished by the time I set off running ::-D:[/quote]

Not sure how my season is going to pan out TBH. I have an achilles injury and can't run at the mo. But if it settles down I'm chasing a place in Hawaii. It's an ego trip really.
It's an ego trip really.

That's a bit harsh on yourself. There's nothing wrong with trying to achieve something of this level. Some aspects are out of your control too. Anyone can have a mechanical, it depends who else turns up on the day etc (no disrespect meant to you by this). A finish time could get you a place one year and not another depending what times the competition get and if there is a roll down. I always fancied a roll down place for Vegas but my finish time at Wimbleball last year (over 7hrs) would have needed pretty much every other finisher in the race to turn down a place first :laugh:.
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