Time for action

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Vice Admiral
I will try and contact the relevant person at the Fire College, Moreton.

However, if they are kind enough to reply, I would quickly be out of my depth regarding the details of the filming. Could I ask whoever it is to then speak to you, or Magnatom? I am a beginner as regards cycling.
I have tried to follow this thread, but do not understand the filming details enough to explain it to a third party.

The reason I though of Firemen, is because they are, very sadly, the ones involved in rescues from in or under vehicles.

Recreating a busy junction? IIRC the fire college is a very large site with lots of roads, but not many cars. That might need further thought.


Cycling Excusiast
working on point 4 of my posting right now!

Speicher no problem - you have my email and I suspect Magnatom's email (I assume he won't mind -since I quote he's a media Daaaarrrling!), Ben Lovejoy and Jake no doubt also have a good idea regards the filming- if we were allowed to take some of our civillian cars up there we could recreate a junction with traffic but it depends on what the training school would allow.

Speicher thanks for this - beginner or not ideas and input is always welcome - don't put yourself down

Another random idea:

Anyone interested in contacting Top Gear or the Gadget Show as they might have links with HGV drivers? we might be able to secure a vehicle that way?


Vice Admiral
Civilian cars are allowed on the site, I know that from going swimming there, in a different life. I was labelling myself as a beginner because I do not want to "undo" all the hard work done so far, by going off at a tangent.


Senior Member
HI All

I've been away on holiday hence not responding. I'll have a look through all posts, but I'm still happy to ask my trucking mag editor friend to help and let us post on his forums to A, get debate going and B, blag a wagon and driver.

Is that still the plan?


scouserinlondon said:
HI All

I've been away on holiday hence not responding. I'll have a look through all posts, but I'm still happy to ask my trucking mag editor friend to help and let us post on his forums to A, get debate going and B, blag a wagon and driver.

Is that still the plan?

That would be great if you could do that! :biggrin: I think we are pretty much sorted apart from getting an HGV and driver (ok location needs to be finalised, but I think that is relatively minor compared to getting the HGV/Driver)
classic33 said:
To those who set this up & to those who suggested it.
Can I ask if everyone who has voiced an opinion on this contributed to the hire of a articulated lorry would you be willing to contribute to see the project through to its conclusion. This is the sticking point now, the actual vehicle.

If you can get to Birmingham to film it, I can get access to rigid and articulated vehicles in various different sizes, from the monster that I drive (and live in) to the smaller artics we use for local collections. I'm sorry I haven't been on here much recently, but what with moving house in the last few weeks things have been a little hectic ...:biggrin:
Jake said:
i think before trying to get a lorry, a location should be found first. We may just be stuck with a bill for a lorry we cant use. anyone approached the councils?

I know plenty of locations around here to demonstrate the inadvisability of riding a bike up the inside of a truck. I've even had genuine run ins with cyclists at some of them.xx(


Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
Rhythm Thief said:
I'll phone the gaffer tomorrow and see if I can get permission to take some of the lorries out one Saturday.
Brilliant. If they want the fuel costs covered, I'm sure we could have a whip-round to cover that.


Cycling Excusiast
RT brilliant news- Brum is no problem for me! Hopefully the film crew will be up for filming there!

RT what would it be like in terms of closures of the road in the areas you're thinking of - I know Birmingham well- which parts? Are the police/council particularly helpful with that - just thinking as in relation to just filming on the sly it will be very difficult to get proper footage as shots will need to be set up with equipment etc.


Cycling Excusiast

Have a couple of possible leads on a HGV - one possibly in Midlands and one possibly in London - nothing confirmed at the moment. Will keep you all in the loop.


New Member
Good news about the driver and lorry, don't think we will be able to get there though. don't have a car and the volunteers at work/friends and the equipemnt is all in london. I don't thin its going to be possible. bit of a pain that. I know is only about 3hrs or so away. I don't think we can. Is there anything we can do in london to support? I was one of the first to stand up and be counted and want to do my part. groan. :smile:


Cycling Excusiast

We haven't got a HGV confirmed yet - problem is if we have a HGV in the Midlands; the filmcrew can't make it up there as they're all London based. Will try and see what can be sorted but no solid plans yet.
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