To the Cyclechat Grumps: What brings you actual joy?

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Leg End Member
The world can pass me by at whatever speed it likes, I'm just one person from a world population of over 7,749,541,894.


Legendary Member
Smooth Tarmac instead of surface dressing
Sunrise on the ride to work
Being allowed to do my job at my own pace
Having a bloody good moan
The first coffee of the day


Leg End Member
That's true. Grumpiness is a manifestation of the world passing you by and you no longer being central to it. Old bloke syndrome. Hence the target of grumpiness being people that are central to what's going on like YouTube millionaires, reality TV stars, James Corden, professional footballers etc
It's just a pity that grumpy people don't appreciate they make other people unhappy
Grumpiness knows no sexual, nor age boundaries. There seems to be more grumpy school kids than there were. Maybe because they can't get what they want?


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
Feeding a hungry pig.


Legendary Member
I take it you disagree with the choice of drink.
No no, I agree, but then grumble about how our tastes are so alike.
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