Troll Alert!

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I know where my towel is
:ohmy: He is actually sitting in primary at a junction, I may well faint...
Duct tape over the mouth, I could get used to that.

Not sure about the jacket or gloves though :headshake:
The lycra shorts over the jeans, "very cool" :becool: in fact so cool he should be riding a fixie :laugh:

Note: no offence to fixie riders meant!

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I know ..... Cashing in on mispronunciation .....


Charming but somewhat feckless
Once again he succeeds in the self-serving promotion of the brand JC.
He doesn't have a publicist because everyone else does it for him - free.

Oh come on! This is Clarkson and for sure it is a p1ss take. The lycra shorts over jeans is being done to extract the michael out of lycra clad cyclists, and the tape is to show we should keep quiet if anyone in a vehicle tries to squish us.
I have never before so fervently hoped that someone on a bike does get squished but it won't happen because he will be surrounded by cameras and sycophantic boy racers et al.


I'm imagining the setup on the show.

Lyrca over jeans will be a sort of semi self deprecating "cyclists wesr lycra lol" reference
Duck/Duct (gotta keep everyone happy) tape will be to stop him either shouting at other cyclists or drivers, or a not so subtle reference that cyclists whoulf stop complaining.


Über Member
Or it could (he says optimistically) be a serious attempt by a petrolhead to see London through a cyclists eyes, the duct tape is there to stop him ranting at motorists.
My guess is that this is evidence gathering to make a case for keeping cyclists off the road and confined to cycle infrastructure. Both Clarkson and May have published articles extolling the virtues of Dutch style cycle infrastructure. May because he thought it was a good idea, Clarkson because he thought it would keep cyclists off the road.
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