Unknown road sign.

  • Thread starter another_dave_b
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Cycling in Basingstoke yesterday, on what I understand to be a mixed pedestrian/cycling route, I saw a road sign I'm not familiar with.

A red rectangle, with white border, and white lettering. The lettering said 'pedestrians' with a straight ahead arrow beneath.

I browsed through several PDFs of road signs, the closest I came was a 'temporary road hazard' [PDF], but that doesn't make any sense.

Anyone know what it means?
Cant take a picture of it then?


"Pedestrians, Up yours!"

Dunno...I've only seen what you describe at places where the pavement is being dug up and peds have to walk on a section of the road, shielded by temporary barriers.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Bit odd, never seen one like that. Is it perhaps supposed to warn cyclists about the pedestrians temporarily or something?

Could juat be a council sign department cock up perhaps, meant it to be a blue sign or something. Still a bit odd to have in that situation though, especially with the direction arrow... Unless it's meantto stop peds wandering across the path in a salom sty-lee....

What does this mean?


Maz said:
"Pedestrians, Up yours!"

Dunno...I've only seen what you describe at places where the pavement is being dug up and peds have to walk on a section of the road, shielded by temporary barriers.

It wasn't a free standing sign, there were about three, attached to lamposts along a section of the route.

The reason I ask about it is, at the time I found myself wondering if the route had become 'pedestrians only', but there was still one of the little round blue bicycle/pedestrian signs there.


Arch said:
Bit odd, never seen one like that. Is it perhaps supposed to warn cyclists about the pedestrians temporarily or something?

It's a relatively narrow path there, so that's a possible explanation.


Failed Tech Bro
Yea! A Basingstoke thread.

Whereabouts in 'stoke are the signs? I'm sat in an office in Viables at the 'mo but if its close I might pedal there at lunch. An unknown road sign counts as a tourist attraction in Basingstoke.

On a similar note, there's an 'interesting' combo of signs at the big Eastrop roundabout near the station. There's a post with a 'no cycles' sign at the top of an underpass ramp with a "Hampshire Cycle Route" or similar sticker on the same post, pointing down the same underpass. I'll try and get a picky if the Warrington Cycle Campaign site is having a quiet month.


Bollo said:
Yea! A Basingstoke thread.

Whereabouts in 'stoke are the signs? I'm sat in an office in Viables at the 'mo but if its close I might pedal there at lunch. An unknown road sign counts as a tourist attraction in Basingstoke.

Coming from the underpass, through a little carpark, into Glebe Gardens. The path then runs through to the side of the shopping centre by the Anvil footbridge/back of M&S.

As I recall, there was one sign between the underpass and the carpark, two/three in it, not sure if there were any in Glebe Gardens or not.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Bollo said:
Whereabouts in 'stoke are the signs? I'm sat in an office in Viables at the 'mo but if its close I might pedal there at lunch. An unknown road sign counts as a tourist attraction in Basingstoke.

When my b-i-l worked there, he called it Basingrad...;)


Failed Tech Bro
Arch said:
When my b-i-l worked there, he called it Basingrad...:blush:
I believe the 'stoke is painted a strong political shade of blue, so any reference to communist-speaking countries is unlikely to be popular.

Basingstoke is an interesting place for cyclists, because it tries so hard to be our chum but generally knobs it up good and proper, like a well meaning auntie who buys us S Club 7's experimental death metal album. These sort of signs are a symptom, and I can see much of Sustan's windfall £50M being p1ssed up the wall in a similar fashion.


PS. I once made the mistake of popping in to the Basingstoke Tourist Information Office to get a map of cycle routes in order to clarify the go/no go cycling status of the Eastrop roundabout underpass. All was fine until I mentioned that I lived in Winchester, when the lady behind the counter turned into Tubbs Tattsyrup from the League of Gentlemen and started railing against the Winchester Tourist Info. "They have it easy with their cathedral and wealth and history. I'd hate for you to suffocate like the other three!" Word for word.


Bollo said:
Basingstoke is an interesting place for cyclists, because it tries so hard to be our chum but generally knobs it up good and proper, like a well meaning auntie who buys us S Club 7's experimental death metal album. These sort of signs are a symptom, and I can see much of Sustan's windfall £50M being p1ssed up the wall in a similar fashion.


I live near Kingsclere, about 8 miles north of Basingstoke. I've been very impressed by Basingstoke's cycle route network.

I think Basingstoke was largely built in the 60s, and the cycle route network piggy-backs on an urban walkway put in at the design stage.


Sounds like its just telling pedestrians to continue straight ahead, rather than them use an alternative route (if there is one). A similar sort of sign, with an arrow, is often used at roadworks to point peds somewhere else when the footway is closed.

another_dave_b said:
Cycling in Basingstoke yesterday, on what I understand to be a mixed pedestrian/cycling route, I saw a road sign I'm not familiar with.

A red rectangle, with white border, and white lettering. The lettering said 'pedestrians' with a straight ahead arrow beneath.

I browsed through several PDFs of road signs, the closest I came was a 'temporary road hazard' [PDF], but that doesn't make any sense.

Anyone know what it means?
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