Vasectomy Imminent! How long....

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Most embarrassing bit was when a young, attractive nurse gave me a disposable razor and told me to shave the affected bits, my guess at where exactly to shave being a bit wrong so her having to do it for me before I went into theatre
(might have been pleasant in other circumstances, but not right then, not with my wife was in the room...)

Most painful bit was when the surgeon used the 'crochet hook' to fish the tube out, then pulled it further out so as to cut and tie the ends : wasn't exactly agony but definitely felt the tug somewhere in my abdomen and in my b*ll*ck.

Silliest thing was deciding to walk round B&Q for an hour choosing paint on the way home, rather than go straight home and sit down for the afternoon. Felt terribly weak, nearly fainted.

Best bit was watching the bruises come-up in the following days - black, purple, green, superb !

Cycling - after about a week or so, but probably best to try a short test ride first time rather than go out for a century.
Running - similarly about a week, with industrial-strength jockstrap they gave me at the hospital (which was so ludicrously ugly I still have it and it makes me laugh every time I see it in the back of my underwear drawer).
Pain - no, not really (other than the abovementioned tug), better described as just a bit of minor soreness and day or two of CoCodamol


Fossyant It's pantomine time OH YES YOU CAN.The Surgeon stands at the end of the table talking to you ,or the nurse.Then he lifts up the needle,and slowly injects a pain killer into your first testicle you had no idea where it was going BUT you now know where the second one is going.


Huge Member
Fly Fifer
fossyant said:
I just wouldn't fancy being operated on whilst awake...argh.. I assume you can't see anything or feel anything then.....?

Like others have said you feel the needle going in, which nips and then you feel the blood running down the inside of your leg after the incision, plus all the tugging :tongue:. Then it starts again on the second testicle :sad: Of course its bloody embarrassing lying there whilst someone chats away to you as the surgeon cuts and pulls :blush: You have no keks on, in my case I was also told to keep my shoes on !! For what god knows, maybe in case you wanna do a runner :smile: Mean while the three nurses not taking part in the op, talk away in the corner and look over every now and then, oh yes its very surreal.

BTW it was about 2 weeks before i even wanted to make sure everything was all present and correct and working :biggrin: I was like buster gonads on viz, agony !!


New Member
Hello again. It is day 14 tomorrow (Wed). All is well, apart from the very occasional ache in the right gonad, and the itching and spiky sack hair digging into me thighs. I can put up with that. I did my daily stretches on day 7 having abstained for the post op period till then. Bad move! The aching in the right gonad was almost enough to stop me walking for a day or so. Really sore. Don't make this mistake.

About the op, the sensation of the tube being pulled out, to me at least, replicated that "pit of the stomach sick feeling" you got when you were at school and somehow got a kick in the nuts! Not pleasant. It was made worse with me, because the right gonad had clearly seen what the surgeon did to the left one, so when he came round to do the right one, he was "diving for cover" if you get what I mean. There was a certain degree of sack shrinkage, as right nut tried to avoid the chop. Surgeon would not be beaten though, so when he did get hold of the b'lock, he kept hold of it. The recalcitrant nature of this blighter meant the vas deferens tube was tight, so he really had to pull on it with the crochet needle to get enough out. That was probably the worst part, and the right b'lock was by far the most uncomfortable for days, and by a large margin - probably bruised. I have since seen that some surgeons give patients a sedative beforehand to avoid sack shrinkage/contraction. If any of you go for it, do your best to persuade them to give you a sedative.

Hope to be back on the bike at the weekend. Tried on me new dhb merston bib tights tonight, and the pad on nuts sensation was a little uncomfortable still. Cheers for now.

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