Was this bus driver bad?

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New Member
nethalus said:
I pulled away and seemingly out of nowhere this cyclist appeared. Now the bus being a little sluggish to begin with I suppose she might have mistaken that for me slowing down to let her past but I wasn't and she didn't like that so she shouted at me.

You pulled out too close in front of a cyclist, illegally and dangerously. The cyclists response was polite and measured, and you responded to that with an obscene gesture.

And you think thats all okay.

Get off the roads.


New Member
In my house
Brock said:
But... But... you said in the OP 'The cyclist shouted "Oi thanks mate" as the bus continued to move. So the bus driver opened the cab window and stuck twos up at the cyclist'

But now you're saying the window was already open?? How can we make a considered answer to your question if the already vague 'facts' change?

I still think you're naughty and should say at least one hail mary before you get back in that doom bus. :blush:

The window was open, perhaps what I meant was I opened it a bit wider to get my arm out like.


New Member
In my house
Cab said:
You pulled out too close in front of a cyclist, illegally and dangerously. The cyclists response was polite and measured, and you responded to that with an obscene gesture.

And you think thats all okay.

Get off the roads.

No you get off the road you arrogant little self righteous person. I did not pull out too close in front of the cyclist, they decided they were not going to wait 3 seconds until I was gone. And you are basically saying it's fine for a cyclist to be rude but not a bus driver??


New Member
nethalus said:
No you get off the road you arrogant little self righteous person. I did not pull out too close in front of the cyclist, they decided they were not going to wait 3 seconds until I was gone. And you are basically saying it's fine for a cyclist to be rude but not a bus driver??

You pulled out with something like 3 seconds for the cyclist to stop? Really, you pulled out too close in front of the cyclist; a cyclist can often, usually stop in that time but your manoevre required of the other road user the completion of an emergency stop, which carries far more risk than you can decently expect others to face.

If your attitude is that its fine to just nose out into the traffic regardless, then for everyone elses safety get the hell off the roads.

As for being rude, no one was rude to you. Your description of what the cyclist said shows him (her?) to have been pretty considered. Then you, representing your employer in a readily identifiable company vehicle, chose to compound an unsafe manoevre with being abusive. Had someone, say, in a shop done that then she'd have probably lost her job.

In short, you cannot demonstrate that the cyclist did anything wrong, yet you think its okay to be abusive and to take risks with the cyclists safety. You believe that its okay to be rude while representing your employer. You have, furthermore, contradicted yourself on various aspects of what happened when challenged, changing your story to try not to come off as badly as you otherwise are.

You're here to try to gain some absolution from cyclists (who, oddly, you believe will speak for the cyclist you were unpleasant too) for your rather poor behaviour. You deserve none.


New Member
In my house
Cab said:
You pulled out with something like 3 seconds for the cyclist to stop? Really, you pulled out too close in front of the cyclist; a cyclist can often, usually stop in that time but your manoevre required of the other road user the completion of an emergency stop, which carries far more risk than you can decently expect others to face.

If your attitude is that its fine to just nose out into the traffic regardless, then for everyone elses safety get the hell off the roads.

As for being rude, no one was rude to you. Your description of what the cyclist said shows him (her?) to have been pretty considered. Then you, representing your employer in a readily identifiable company vehicle, chose to compound an unsafe manoevre with being abusive. Had someone, say, in a shop done that then she'd have probably lost her job.

In short, you cannot demonstrate that the cyclist did anything wrong, yet you think its okay to be abusive and to take risks with the cyclists safety. You believe that its okay to be rude while representing your employer. You have, furthermore, contradicted yourself on various aspects of what happened when challenged, changing your story to try not to come off as badly as you otherwise are.

You're here to try to gain some absolution from cyclists (who, oddly, you believe will speak for the cyclist you were unpleasant too) for your rather poor behaviour. You deserve none.

You were not there and are just making presumtions based on your own biased opinion. I was already pulling away when the cyclist tried to overtake, they could have stayed behind me and not had a problem. But instead they chose to create a problem and then be rude and sarcastic about it.
You seem to have a very pompus, I'm always right everyone else is wrong sort of attitude. I bet you are the sort of person who walks blindly onto a zebra crossing and expect traffic to immediately stop for you because you are on the crossing! With your arrogant attitude I think it's you who needs to be off the road for the saftey and well being of everyone.


Taking the biscuit
I'm with Neth on this one.

Although I may have only appeared to be 'trolling' on this thread, I believe I have had a few points worth noting.

The fact that the original point of this thread has been ruminated to the point of dessication, degeneration and then held aloft as a concrete example is very sad indeed.

I will repeat, as I warned in an earlier post;

'Medieval, as I said before.

Brock, what a truly facile comment.

Had this bus driver been a man I feel you'd be offering a stout hearty handshake, a pint and you'd all be off to see the morris dancing, quicker than you can say 'Wassail!'.

Let Nethalus take her view of this thread, and some of it's contributors, back to 'Bloodbath Busses', or whatever the forum is called, and see what good it does.

I believe I can already hear the laugher in every Bus Station canteen across the land.

My humble opinion,

T x'

This has become a wildly unbalanced argument and instead of ingraciating yourselves you've done absolutely nothing to further the cause of the cyclist and only compounded the view of a Bus driver who may have had a chance to see things from our angle.


T x

P.S. Brock, If a bus driver on a bus forum offered to drag you from your bike and spank you, I doubt you would see that as amusing.


New Member
nethalus said:
You were not there and are just making presumtions based on your own biased opinion.

No, I'm drawing conclusions based on what you've actually said, and further on the constantly changing view of what happened that you're giving us. For example:

I was already pulling away when the cyclist tried to overtake, they could have stayed behind me and not had a problem. But instead they chose to create a problem and then be rude and sarcastic about it.

Right, so the cyclist started going past you, yet you say that the cyclist would have lost three seconds while your very slow to accelerate banger of a bus got out onto the road... Doesn't add up at all, either the cyclist was part past you or had moved out into a position to come past you (in which case you don't move into the main traffic, period) or the cyclist is up alongside as you're nearly off and you definitely shouldn't be pulling out. I cannot construct any sequence of events in which you're not in the wrong; its up to the person in the traffic to decide whether to let you out, its their call as to whether thats safe or not, is is not your decision to make, its the other guy makes that call.

You seem to have a very pompus, I'm always right everyone else is wrong sort of attitude. I bet you are the sort of person who walks blindly onto a zebra crossing and expect traffic to immediately stop for you because you are on the crossing! With your arrogant attitude I think it's you who needs to be off the road for the saftey and well being of everyone.

And now you fall back on to abuse. Like you did on the road when you were found wanting. Like you always do whenever it is demonstrated to you that you're in the wrong. You're coming across as a fairly nasty piece of work here; you could have asked whether you were in the wrong or not and meant it as a real question, but that wasn't your intention. Your goal here was to be told you didn't do wrong when, quite clearly, that wasn't the case.

Want your guilty conscience soothed? Go back to Bloodbus where your anti-cycling attitudes fit in better.
Guys! Chill out a bit.

Cab, nethalus is at least making an effort here, so give her a brake. We all know that you are good at finding little holes in peoples arguments, but does that really take us forward? Does it really matter how far her window was down? xx(

Yes nethalus shouldn't have gave a two fingered sign, but she did and she feels guilty about it. I have given my fair share of rude signs to other road users (a lot worse than two fingers!!) and sometimes I regret it. I don't however, think this makes me a bad person, just someone who needs to learn to hold back (and I am better now).

Cab, I respect your views and your advice on road safety is usually spot on, however, you do go on your high horse sometimes!!


dear god

this was 50:50 at best for me and never worth more than a giggle

cab speaks for cab, no-one else bus driver, don't get any idea that he's anyone else's spokesperson


New Member
In my house
Just to clarify, I'm not anti cyclist, ok I might have been at one time, before any nit pickers point out that I once said "Cyclists should be banned". In fact I'm seriously thinking about getting a bike after Christmas is out the way like. Especially as I'm changing depots next year and the new depot will be easier to get to and not as far on a bike. In fact it will probably be far easier cycling than taking the car.:sad:


So am I.

Cab - You seem completely incapable of seeing things from a bus driver's point of view (or the driver of any large vehicle), and your rantings aren't doing anybody any favours. IMO the cyclist in this particular incident was in the wrong, failed to anticipate what was happening, and failed to act accordingly. Being on a bicycle doesn't automatically make you in the right regardless of circumstance.

tdr1nka said:
I'm with Neth on this one.
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