We really are fighting a losing battle

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Kilometre nibbler
Why do most posts on here turn into senseless bickering and point scoring? .
No they don't!



A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
Yesterday I was riding home from work, pootling along Red Lodge Road, through Park Langley Golf Course, probably doing about 22mph.

Coming in the opposite direction, and being the only car in the vicinity, was an individual in an open topped Mazda, who honked his horn at me in order to ostentatiously point that I should be using the shared pedestrian/cycle path, strewn with mulch and other crap off the trees, on the other side of the road (his side).

Needless to say, my response was not along the lines of "good point, well made".


Well-Known Member


Legendary Member
Just read this on Streetlife
The best cycle lanes I've seen are in Harlow - complete segregation of motor vehicle and cyclists (and a more scenic route for the cyclists too). If only all cities were designed that way.


Why is anyone bothered what other people think? i sometimes hate car drivers, i sometimes hate old people in front of me in the que. Most people find something annoying especially if it deemed as getting in their way. If people want to spout off on forums about "fat middle aged men in lycra" that fine with me, its opinion and more than likely just hot air.

As long as said driver doesnt knock me off my bike or insult me to my face whilst out on the bike then were not going to have a problem.
Why is anyone bothered what other people think? i sometimes hate car drivers, i sometimes hate old people in front of me in the que. Most people find something annoying especially if it deemed as getting in their way. If people want to spout off on forums about "fat middle aged men in lycra" that fine with me, its opinion and more than likely just hot air.

As long as said driver doesnt knock me off my bike or insult me to my face whilst out on the bike then were not going to have a problem.
The trouble is I've been flattened by these cretins, more than I'd like. So I treat them all with contempt and extreme caution. It's rarely a bad idea.


Legendary Member
Yesterday I was riding home from work, pootling along Red Lodge Road, through Park Langley Golf Course, probably doing about 22mph.

Coming in the opposite direction, and being the only car in the vicinity, was an individual in an open topped Mazda, who honked his horn at me in order to ostentatiously point that I should be using the shared pedestrian/cycle path, strewn with mulch and other crap off the trees, on the other side of the road (his side).

Needless to say, my response was not along the lines of "good point, well made".

Pootling at 22mph, have Sky signed you up yet.^_^

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Why do we still have people posting things such as this:

"On the subject of road safety, I see now that the weather is improving we are once again subject to 1000’s of fat middle aged Bradley Wiggin’s wannabees in their silly plastic suits causing wholesale congestion on our roads. They are an absolute shower and should be made to have a form of ID on their little bikes so that they can be identified and prosecuted as required."

On local political blogs such as this: http://onlinefocus.org/?p=19334#comment-235218

Attitudes like this seem to be increasing and I worry it translates into how we get treated on the road.

I should just let it go but this type of thing really winds me up so I had to reply (all replies are moderated in advance and mine is awaiting moderation)

Just wanted to vent a bit sorry
Fighting a loosing battle? Au contraire, we are winning and some people just can't accept the fact ...
Firk 'em.


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
Slightly OT, but I was effusively thanked by a young lady on a horse at the weekend for calling out (from behind) that I was about to pass (though prepared to stop if necessary). She observed that it was very helpful but that, sadly, not all cyclists are as considerate.


Legendary Member
Just to balance that post, not all horse riders say thank you.

I always call out before getting near a horse, another cyclist, pedestrian even a dog walker, I figure it is safer that way.
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