Wearing the inside out

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Legendary Member
NE England
Twenty inch has a good point.
While bottling up anger is some times the only socially acceptable solution, there are some people who really should be taken outside and shot, unfortunately society tends to frown on this solution.
The secret of a happy life seems to be to have as little to do with these people as you can, ignore them if at all possible and do them a much damage, socially, as you can when the opportunity arises.
Revenge, served cold is immensley satisfying.


New Member
thanks all...sorry...had a good long (cold) ride and cleared my head
...I need to stop throwing my toys out of the pram.


Bigtallfatbloke said:
thanks all...sorry...had a good long (cold) ride and cleared my head
...I need to stop throwing my toys out of the pram.

Christ, is that you just back!?


Fab Foodie said:
BTFB much empathy from me and seemingly good advice from those in the trade. Good Councillors/Therapists are available, I wish I hadn't given mine-up quite so soon. You'll know when you have the right one.

I'm thinking of looking into some form of Anger Management as I suffer occasional rages as per ChrisKH's description. There short noisy rants and I feel sooooo much better afterwards, but they cause a lot of distress at home. I almost wish I could build a sound-proof room in my garage to rage against my frustration for 15 minutes. The reality is I get shouty, everybody get-on to me about being shouty and I just get worst:sad:
One of the things I did learn which might be valuable were about identifying the causes of anger and avoiding/negating them...I am getting better at this and am currently trying to change/remove areas of my life that cause me conflict. Understanding the drivers behind the anger however so you can make changes can be a very deep and painful process and the changes themselves might not be easy.

'Wearing the Inside out' is a real favourite of mine, very descriptive BTFB. I hope you get to start slaying or managing your demons soon.

The trade? :biggrin: :rolleyes: :biggrin:
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