What book are you currently reading?

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Internet Marketing bod
I thought the book was good. Finished it yesterday. What to read next......

Oh it's not bad at all, just not my cuppa.

What sort of thing do you fancy reading next?
Have just down loaded "A Blaze of Autumn Sunshine" on to the Kindle. these are the Tony Benn diary's, I want to see if I can figure out why he hates Tony Blair so much. Personally, I liked Blair and Benn as politicians. I am also looking forward to reading Jeffrey Archers new book when it is published in March (please don't let on to the Open University tutors, they frown on Jeffrey Archer)and Bernard Cornwell when he publishes his next Anglo Saxon book.


Here for rides.
In need of some light relief alongside the well-written grimness of "The Kindly Ones" I have embarked upon "Instructions for a Heatwave"


Legendary Member
Made a start on August 1914 by Solzhenitsyn, bloody hard work unlike most of his other books that I loved. Vry unlike me I had to give up on it but will go back to it sometime. About to start on A Captain's Duty (about the captain of a ship that gets hijacked)
Didnt mind August 1914, i might revisit it sometime.
If you like that genre, have you tried Faithful Ruslan by Georgi Vladimov, a twist on the gulag...through the eyes and mind of a camp guard dog. Very good.

For me at the moment...Obsessive Compulsive Cycling Disorder by John Barter. Thoroughly enjoying it so far, any cycling enthusiast will find he has a lot in common with the stories in the book.


I'm rereading Christine by Stephen King on my new Nook. My old Sony ereader would not hold a charge, had to be a non kindle as I like borrowing ebooks from my local library.

Archeress x


Über Member
To say I enjoyed it is an understatement. I could scarcely put it down to the extent I was opting to rail commute rather than accept lifts from colleagues so I could carry on reading it!

I'm with you all the way here. This book (HHhH) is simply outstanding. I'm only two thirds of the way through it but can't put it down. The narrative is unique and very interesting.
I've got guests staying and I'm trying to think of ways of vanishing for a few minutes here and there.


I am your Father
About to jump into buying some 'Lance' expose books - Seven deadly sins & the secret race.
Can anyone recommend either or an alternative centering on the Lance lie.
Sorry to be a bore with a subject that has been deliberated a thousand times, especially on a cycling forum.
Just that I would like to read one or two prior to the deluge of upcoming films.
Cheers peeps.
I'm with you all the way here. This book (HHhH) is simply outstanding. I'm only two thirds of the way through it but can't put it down. The narrative is unique and very interesting.
I've got guests staying and I'm trying to think of ways of vanishing for a few minutes here and there.

keep the book in the bathroom - that is where I find the most spare time to read!
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