What can cause a mobile phone to discharge over night ?

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Legendary Member
We both have Samsung Galaxy 5. Both well over 3 years old.
Recently MrsDs has started to lose its power quite quickly.
Last night I made sure it was switched off completely....50% power. Switched on this morning to find it had dropped to 14%.
Any obvious reason this should happen?


Not part of the Elite
South Tyneside
Galaxy 5 is a very old model I think. Wife has a Galaxy S10 and that is two or three models old. I would suspect battery has given up the ghost. I think that model has a removable battery. If rest of phone is good, and, meets your (well MrsD's needs), I would have a look on EBay for replacement battery. The model number for battery should be on the existing battery.


Legendary Member
^^^ this batteries have a finite life, which is why its a mugs game buying a phone where you cant easily change the battery. there are sites which recommend best after market batteries for various phone models if your google-fu is up to it.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Battery I'm afraid. It gradually degrades as it gets older.
You could get a replacement battery but the phone likely won't be upgradable beyond an old version of Android and won't be getting security updates.
Sorry Dave but it's time to bite the bullet and get a new or newer phone. That's the bad news, the good news is you can now buy a phone for under £200 that might have been considered a flagship a few years back :smile:
If that's too much you can still get a decent new phone for £100 if you just want the basics, like this Samsung:

View: https://youtu.be/byEbaPxToL4
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We both have Samsung Galaxy 5. Both well over 3 years old.
Recently MrsDs has started to lose its power quite quickly.
Last night I made sure it was switched off completely....50% power. Switched on this morning to find it had dropped to 14%.
Any obvious reason this should happen?

If you're keeping it then take it to a phone shop for a new battery.


If you both have the same phone, try swapping the batteries. If the problem moves to your phone, then you know its the battery. If it stays with the Mrs, then it's the phone or an app running in the background.


Legendary Member
It most likely is just old battery, particularly as it was switched off.

Another possibility is that various shyte is running in the background, though not when switched off presumably!

Unlike apple it is easy to replace the battery on Samsung (the one I had anyway) as it just pops out when you take the back off

Tail End Charlie

Well, write it down boy ......
I have a Samsung S3 mini and have had three over the last ten years (one stolen, one I put through the washing machine). I've replaced the battery after five or six years with one from Ebay which is identical to the original one. I'm not a heavy phone user, so see no point in "upgrading".


Just phoned a recommended repair shop......20 quid fitted.
TBH I expected worse than that. Will give that a punt as MrsD is happy it suits her needs.

You are being taken for a ride. A replacement battery should be less than a tenner. The phone is only worth about £50.
Just google Samsung Galaxy 5 battery - or take out the battery and get the battery number and google that. You'll likely find one for a fiver.

Personally I wouldn't spend £20 on a £55 phone.
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