What happened to global warming then?

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Re member eR
Science is not, as Einstein remarked, democratic. There have been many times in history where all the experts were wrong and one person was right. Not saying that is the case here but I am very concerned at the herd mindset of the climate change grouping which does not tolerate dissent. That is bad science which should be continually looking for the evidence that disproves the hypothesis, not seeking to ridicule it.

You should be ashamed of yourself. That's a far too considered and open-minded approach.


Evidence based cyclist
Science is not, as Einstein remarked, democratic. There have been many times in history where all the experts were wrong and one person was right. Not saying that is the case here but I am very concerned at the herd mindset of the climate change grouping which does not tolerate dissent. That is bad science which should be continually looking for the evidence that disproves the hypothesis, not seeking to ridicule it.
That's simply not true. There was a lot of argument and opposing views for a long time, but the evidence is overwhelming. You might as well complain that there is a herd mindset regarding evolution.

When even the oil companies admit man made climate change is real, it's time to accept it..


Über Member
Belvedere, Kent.
Two feet of snow in Seattle.................................



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That's simply not true. There was a lot of argument and opposing views for a long time, but the evidence is overwhelming. You might as well complain that there is a herd mindset regarding evolution.

The evidence for Relativity is overwhelming but CERN has been open to the possibility neutrinos could be traveling faster than light which would overturn the fundamental premise of Relativity. No matter how overwhelming the evidence you should still be on the look out for contradiction. The problem is the climate change group only seems to be interested in looking for confirmation and ridicules anything that might be contradictory. In science, no theory is every proved, only not disproved. What's going on in climate change is bad bad science.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
Some risks are worth taking. The well being of our home, planet earth, is in my opinion not one of them. Let's assume for one moment that global warming is all a load of tosh. So what, can it do any harm to be more environmentaly aware? If the 'green brigade' (me included) are wrong we wills till have our planet home...it's ano brainer.

The only argument against being more carefull with our home planet is GREED.


Legendary Member
The problem is the climate change group only seems to be interested in looking for confirmation and ridicules anything that might be contradictory. .

The most egregious example of such Confirmation Bias was the ridiculing as voodoo science by the head of the UN panel those who tried to correct the UN panels claim the Himalayan glaciers would disappear by 2035


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
There's too much emphasis identifying the problem, people don't want to hear about problems.

Those with the opportunity, real ability and the power to do something about it should focus on solutions. It's more interesting and more useful. Telling everyone that they anticipated the problems first and then reiterating the same information over and over and over again resolves nothing, achieves nothing and is pointless.


God Almighty
We are fortunate to have some of the planet's leading experts on the subject right here on the forum. If you pop over to the Current Affairs section I'm sure they'll be happy to give you an update.

Who?...considering that my degree is structured around this and I'm looking to pursue it in further education, I'd be interested to know who these guys are
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Evidence based cyclist
The evidence for Relativity is overwhelming but CERN has been open to the possibility neutrinos could be traveling faster than light which would overturn the fundamental premise of Relativity. No matter how overwhelming the evidence you should still be on the look out for contradiction. The problem is the climate change group only seems to be interested in looking for confirmation and ridicules anything that might be contradictory. In science, no theory is every proved, only not disproved. What's going on in climate change is bad bad science.

Absolutely, but there's this quite important thing called evidence in science. There are many groups trying desperately to prove man made climate change wrong, but they have been unable to, as the evidence is clear. I don't think your statement above accurately reflects what's actually happening in climate science, but is a caricature promoted by people who don't want it to be true.


Senior Member
Absolutely, but there's this quite important thing called evidence in science. There are many groups trying desperately to prove man made climate change wrong, but they have been unable to, as the evidence is clear. I don't think your statement above accurately reflects what's actually happening in climate science, but is a caricature promoted by people who don't want it to be true.

There may be groups trying as you state, but I got the impression that the main argument of people like Mr McIntyre is not that the proposition of man made climate change is definitiely wrong, but that the evidence is far from clear, & in fact sometimes looks a bit dodgy. The antics of some researchers in the field give weight to this suggestion. It needs more research, with greater scruitiny and open-ness.
Meanwhile, just to be on the safe side it certainly would be wise to start reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, which will run out one day anyway, and start building a few more nuclear power stations. Then we can start worrying about global cooling.
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