What single work of creation would you remove from the world?

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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
While the wasp has few, if any, redeeming features, it's not a piece of art and presumably beyond the scope of this thread.
It is a work of creation as per the title though....


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
The Bible, Koran and other religious works of fiction.
That's going to wipe out a good slice of culture from the last a couple of thousand years. Any suggestions for plugging the massive hole?
The Lark ableedinscending (and mid 20th century English pastoralism more generally). Inward looking, dreariness - it's as if VW listenened to Elgar and learned all the wrong lessons. None of that fancy dan plinky plonky European stuff for us (VW was scandalized by Ravel on a personal level)!

The weaponized vanguard arts wing of what has now sporulated as the Brexit movement. I just pulled the first YouTube vid I could find and take a look at the imagery..

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u-qmfUFeXI

Thankyou that has made my day, only wish i had seen them live.
That's the beauty of painting. You can make whatever shape you want. Who'd have thunk it.
If you see it in the flesh at the Musee d'Orsay its a stunner and rightly famous.
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