What's your tenuous claim to fame?

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Senior Member
wafflycat said:
Who gives a stuff about his acting ability? ;):blush:

You, Madam are a libidinous strumpet.


Legendary Member
Sorry Mr L and a half. You'll have to stop there and start your own thread.

This one is for "tenuous" claims to fame only.

I used to work with a bloke who made a table for David Beckham.


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
Oooh, so much to compete with...

My Wife's best mate used to be married to ex-Man Utd player Sammy McIlroy.

I used to play poker at current Man Utd player Darren Fletcher's house, and he's not very good at No Limit Hold'em.

My 'hometown' (well, spent most of my life there) houses the place where Cliff Richard did his first gig, but before he changed his name (i.e. just plain old Harry Webb I think).

Sir Barnes Wallis (Bouncing Bomb fame) was born in my 'hometown'.

I once bumped (literally) into the chap who used to play Andy McDonald in Coronation Street, whilst visiting Eyam (the Plague Village of Derbyshire).

I'm sure there are a plethora more if I could be bothered to think about it. :biggrin:


My wife was walking our dog, who "fetched" the golf ball of my C.O. who just a few years earlier had told off/cautioned/sent off John Mackenro at Wimbledon.


Über Member
Lord Haw Haw's Auntie used to live round the corner and when he visited her he drank in my local. Regrettably I just missed him ... by about 10 years.....:biggrin:


mr_hippo said:
Mrs Hippo & I had dinner with Dayvo who has met Keith Oates.

My LBS back in Widnes is owned by John Geddes who won a cycling bronze in the '56 Olympics.

Field Marshall Montgomery spoke to me in Farnham Post Office.

John Geddes is the 'tight' arse bikeshop owner..what is it about shrewdness and money :biggrin:


New Member
Fnaar said:
I used to work with the guy who "discovered" Saxon :smile: and was their manager. So there. :biggrin:

He should have left them alone.

The world could have well done without that soft rock pap.

The best thing that your ex-colleague could do now is make amends by killing them.


Well-Known Member
North London.
Ooooh, I forgot. Apparently Richard Keys (is it Richard Keys? He does Sky Sports and is ex-breakfast telly) was in the same year as me at school.
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