When a car and bike have a collision...

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Legendary Member
London, UK
Why does the press talk about the make of the car but nothing about the bike?

The BMW driver ran into the back of the cyclist.

What difference dies it make what car is being driven? Are they trying to imply something? Why not talk about the cyclist's bike? Why stop there, why not talk about the size of the car's wheels or the groupset on the bike. Do they just need filler text?


An Peanut
Well the obvious answer is that the general population can recognise with 'a BMW' compared to a 'Wilier'. Alos, I think the paper would say there was a 'collision between' rather than saying 'the BMW drive ran into the back of the cyclist'.

Personally I think it is all a conspiracy to make people think that riding a bike is dangerous. :rolleyes:


Charming but somewhat feckless
I also notice that in describing any collision involving a motor vehicle, the driver is left out of the narrative. e.g. The car mounted the pavement... The car flipped onto its roof... The car went out of control.

You never see that with a cycle only incident or cycle v pedestrian. In those cases it's always reported that e.g. the cyclist mounted the pavement... etc.

It's almost as if people don't want to place any responsibility on the drivers who are killing and injuring thousands in this country every year.



Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Same as when they refer to someone they say; Mr XX who lives in a £500 000 house etc.... Who cares how much his house is worth? Surely, this is a private matter.


It always reminds me of one of our nurses who reported to the local paper a huge black animal on the grass next to our clinic, lion, puma etc.

The article started "Miss X, 50 .......". She was livid they put her age in the article.

They never traced the " big cat" LOL

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