When is a cyclist not a true cyclist?

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I can't believe this tired old stuff is being trotted out again. A cyclist is someone who rides a bike. Would anyone waste any time debating who is or isn't 'a true driver'? There's only limited space on the internet you know, so let's not be filling it up with this rubbish.

does that make me not a true driver because I don't own a car?


I still think of myself as a (true?) cyclist even though I haven't ridden a bike since July 22nd 2012!

I don't know what I would do if it turned out that I was never going to be well enough to do a decent bike ride again ... Hopefully that won't be the case, so maybe I am just a 'true cyclist' who is taking a long rest! :thumbsup:
Same for me, not been able to cycle since I was taken unwell at the end of November (we should have a CC sick/rehab thread).
Before that however I have used various (mostly mountain bikes) as everyday transport in my everyday clothes for about 15 years, and feel passionate about it.
I am a proper cyclist.
The old mtb i use is ten years old and i love it to bits. I use it on the road, woodland tracks etc, i have thought about crossing over to the road bike side and may well do in the future, but for now i'm plodding along and enjoying every minute. I dont consider myself any less of a cyclist just because i dont own a roadie or clad myself in lycra after all traffic will toot and swerve and drivers swear at me just as much as they will at the faster road bike users. Sermon over.


Active Member
On my daily commute to work I have to go through three main roundabouts on the journey the first one of these is within a few hundred yards of where I live.

While waiting for traffic to come on my right I noticed a cyclist amongst the traffic. This guy really look the part. Clad entirely in black apart from his silver helmet. Black shorts, black tights, black jacket and a super looking bike. He must have been at least 6' tall and really looked the part, Slim, athletic, powerful, in other words, everything I was not.

As he drew level with me things went into slow motion like they do in the telly adverts. His head turned towards me as he drew level and I saw a barely detectable nod, I nodded back. Then things returned to normal speed again as he effortlessly powered away. One more car to go past and I followed in the hope of catching him up.

Some hope, he was doing fifty yards to my five, puffing and wheezing I stopped trying but continued to watch this vision of poetry in motion rapidly disappear into the distance.

Sulking, I finally arrived at work and locked my bike in the cage. Why is it that some people have everything and others, well, what do they have? I took the lift up the two floors to where my office was still thinking of this cycling Adonis that had so easily left me behind. How can it be that I couldn't get near to keeping up?

Sadly, the mirrored wall in the lift gave me the answer I was looking for. Before me stood a five foot nine, in all directions, 61 year old bloke with a rucksack full of junk on his back and a big, thick fleece lined walking coat that weighed more than that blokes bike.

I was never going to get into his shape but, just for a second, in slow motion, that immaculate cyclist gave me a barely detectable nod. Just for that split second he acknowledged me as a fellow cyclist.


Touch it up and ride it
i normally ride on average about 6 miles a working day and have at least 5 roadworthy bikes and sometimes as many non roadworthy ones , i enjoy cycling and doing some basic repairs and re comissioning ................ does this make me a cyclist or not ?

i do not really care because i enjoy my bike use no matter what use it is or what i am riding


Legendary Member
Somewhere flat
Everyone who cycles is a cyclist, but some cyclists are enthusiasts.:smile:



Well-Known Member
If you like bikes your a cyclist. I cleaned and fettled my lowly £300 bike (now two years old) for 3 days and stood back afterward and felt love for the beast.

Also enjoy the nod between cyclists lol


Legendary Member
A true cyclist is someone who loves their bikes and gets a kick out of riding them.

A cycle rider is someone who wobbles to work on an Argos special, probably with no lights, and probably detests every moment in the saddle and would really like a car but can't afford one.
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