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New Member
Colne, Lancs
Generally speaking I think: 'Oh crap not another one!' Then I slowly chug up it, and enjoy the other side.


New Member
Bourne End, UK
Up to 8% - "bring it on"
Up to 12% - "I hope it doesn't last too long"
Up to 20% - "Why did I even come this way?"
Over 20% it doesn't matter I will be walking.


Legendary Member
I keep thinking that I'm so glad I'm skinny. Not nearly as skinny as I used to be but it helps. :eek:


New Member
on the downhill approach I see th ehill ahead and tell myself..."it's flatter than you think...you'll see...just wait until you get to the bottom and then you'll see...it will be flat".....but it rarely is.

I have learnt to start the hill in a gear I think I can finish it in, use my momentum in the approach and pedal reasonably fast whilst the momentum is still with me.

I also know where many of the inclines (for hills they are not ) around here...so i can cheat and take a rest before I attack them if I am knackered...I often stop at the top as well and screw my legs back on.

The worst times are when I'm struggling up a slope and getting overtaken by kids on mtbs and their grandmother on her way back from tescos.


N Ireland
"Wonder what speed I can hold" is my usual thought. I actually enjoy attacking hills - it's the only time I push myself hard on the bike. I don't know why I take that attitude; maybe it's because I like a challenge.


New Member
Colne, Lancs
blue - that's a good attitude, and one that not all cyclists have (such as - ME). Personally i really like charging out on the flat, and handling the bike at a higher speed. But, I must admit I am getting better at hills.
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