Where have you come from?

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Legendary Member
On my fathers side I have traced our antecedence to the marriage of John Sutton to Sarah Walton in 1783 at Bidston Parish Church on the Wirral. Family stayed local, owning and managing farms until just after the Second World War when the family moved away in search of employment. I have been researching the social history of my family for about 10 years or more and if anyone has an interest in the area please PM me and I will see if I can point you in the correct direction.


Dad's dad was a cook in the British Raj in the Punjab. He later owned a shoe shop. Mum's dad was a weaver. During the partition, being Muslims, they fled India for the safehaven of Punjabi Pakistan, taking with them whatever they could carry and leaving the shoe shop to be looted by anyone who cared to. Most of my relatives are still in Pakistan with a few cousins in the UK. Some emigrated to USA, Spain, Italy, Denmark.


Formerly known as djtheglove
HelenD123 said:
I have a fair few farmers in my family as well. I'll see your potato and raise you a sack:biggrin:

We have a long line of farmers in our family too, I could raise you a couple of Heifers xx(

Thats on Dads side, on mums side they are crest fallen gentry, and White Russian imigrants from the last revolution! Unfortunatley the one who made it to this country spent most of his (all) money on women and dead end business enterprises!
He was a colourful character who could charm the birds from the trees and always had a great story about his days back in Russia.


Maz said:
Dad's dad was a cook in the British Raj in the Punjab. He later owned a shoe shop. Mum's dad was a weaver. During the partition, being Muslims, they fled India for the safehaven of Punjabi Pakistan, taking with them whatever they could carry and leaving the shoe shop to be looted by anyone who cared to. Most of my relatives are still in Pakistan with a few cousins in the UK. Some emigrated to USA, Spain, Italy, Denmark.

Pakistan looks a bit scary to live in ATM xx(


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Dad was in the Fleet Air Arm, crashing planes, then after that did various jobs for companies including Avery and English Electric, before ending up as a personnel manager. Mum did various jobs, including draughtsman (woman?) work at the OS, and English Electric, where they met. At least I think that's right.

Maternal grandpa worked in a factory, I think and I think his ancestors were saddlers, before the car ruined the trade. My paternal side I've studied a bit. My grandad ended up as a tax collector, after the army during WW1, but started out as a roller skating instructor, which I think is cool. I have photos of him, striking a pose, complete with waxed moustache. In fact, here he is...


Before him, there were carpenters and various other trades and his grandfather (I think, it's been a while since I looked it all up) ran a bakers and confectioners shop in Salisbury - in Pennyfarthing Street! So my liking for cake and bikes seems to be genetic...

Right back of course, there's a fair chance I had an ancestor handy with a bow and arrow who came over with William the Conker...

I'm not planning to have descendents, but my sister and I reckon my nephew Oli is going to be a rocket scientist(brainy)/international playboy(but socially popular), and send his Lear jet to pick his mum up for weekends in Nice...
Moi: born and bred in Brentwood, Essex - jack of many trades, master of none

Mum also from Brentwood, a shorthand secretary

Her father from Brentwood, mainly a woodsman - as was his father
Her mother from London (a cockney), seamstress - as was her mother

Dad from Southend on Sea, an engineer
His father also an engineer, as was his father
His mother, I have no idea

Origins from East Anglia, London and Germany.


Arch, that photo is wonderful - I have a picture of my great-grandfather the vaudevillian at home something, so I'll try to put that up later...
I am one of 10 (1 foster brother) and parents are both teachers.
Father is English born but of Irish ancestry
Mother is Irish and her family hails from Leitrim right next to the border in Ireland. All large families (I think my mother had 21 first cousins in New York alone)
My Grandfather was eldest son so had family farm. He built his own hydro electric station at the house before rural electrification, and was first man in the area to make silage and to have a tractor. My grandmother read the articles for him from magazines as he would have been classed as dyslexic these days.
My maternal great grandfather was a lmember of Sinn Fein and was local quartermaster in the IRA in the area in 1916. Despite numerous searches of the house (during which crops were burned and things turfed out on the street and wrecked) they never could pin anything on him. He was a Collins man and sided with partition in 1921.He was an accomplished fiddle player and also had a knack for mending watches.
My paternal grandfather was born in Kilkenny but the family moved to NE England where he mined coal, missing both world wars as he was a reserved occupation. He sold insurance policies to supplement his income and put my father and my uncles through school.
My paternal great grandfather was a soldier in 1st Royal Irish Regiment and saw service in the Boer war. He was a bit of a black sheep in the family and i think the rest of the family disowned him as I think they bought him out of the army and he went back in again. He was a good athlete winning regimental cups. He died from infection of a broken jaw sustained in a prize fight. His wife came from Castlecomer in Kilkenny. Her father was manager of one of the mines there.
My paternal grandmothers folks come from Laois, just across from Castlecomer working in the mines around Wolfhill. They emigrated around 1890 to NE England.
Its quite difficult to trace people in Ireland as all our census records were destroyed for years previous to 1901. The British government pulped 4 in 1916 for the war effort, and the remainder were destroyed after freestate soldiers bombarded the fourcourts in Dublin during Civil war. Lot of other records were lost also. So effectively one is reliant on parish registers and if Catholic, those are only really available since 1828 (catholic emancipation).
Mother was born Dublin: her father was variously a racing car mechanic, something to do with horse racing, and a betting man. Died B'ham after op on ulcer. His wife ran off some time before then, to Aberdeen, never being heard of again. Left mother and sisters in care of the "Christian" Brothers, or the female equivalent. Mother came over in WW2 for work. Father (British Army 22 years, PoW 5 years after Norway capture) had a more chequered history. Haven't taken too much interest, but grand-dad was originally a stoker, ended up an officer in RN, but died after war, from wounds sustained during WW1. Based in Queenstown, Co Cork, now Cobh. Grandma came from farming family near Millstreet: land (probably rocky ground in a matrix of grit) sold in the '20s. After Granddad died, she got involved with a Brit who was stationed in Cobh. Sadly she chose a Black and Tan. She was advised to leave Ireland, ASAP, after the war of independence. Luckily I am not related by blood to said bar-steward, who ran off soon after wedding. Not too keen to raise head over parapet in Cobh re antecedents.


Fnaar said:
No no no guys, you're not entering into the spirit of the thread :biggrin:

In a past life i was a sailor in the caribean...

I'm serious too ! even though it could come across as a joke !
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