Where in the UK are the quietest roads for cycling

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Tempted to say the roads around Rutland but alas no, apparently there are a few roads in the north of Turkmenistan that are reputedly quieter than Rutland's. Bit dubious about that.


Legendary Member
as long as you don't mind always going up or down in the rain #kenlaidlawsportive
The Scottish Borders is one of the drier areas of Scotland, lying as it does on the eastern side of the country, sure there are hills but without hills there is very little scenery and they are not very hard hills apart from a few.


Über Member
Crewe, Cheshire
The lanes west of Nantwich seem to be pretty quiet most of the time once you get away from the popular rat runs. On many of the smaller lanes you'll find very little motor traffic and quite a few other cyclists when the weather is nice.


Well-Known Member
East Kilbride
If thats one of the drier areas I'd hate to see the wetter, actually I have ;)

Fort William is way wetter and unfortunately if you want to tour up the west coast its almost unavoidable, and the traffic is too heavy also.

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
Virtually anywhere outside big conurbations. I live in the south-east in a town (city they claim!) and can cycle very quiet lanes for 2-3 hrs with a little planning


nothing in moderation
The Scottish Borders is one of the drier areas of Scotland, lying as it does on the eastern side of the country, sure there are hills but without hills there is very little scenery and they are not very hard hills apart from a few.
the one time i rode there it rained solidly to the extent that i had a litre of water in the frame at the end! true enough though, the gradient is nothing like i can find here, and the scenery is lovely, especially the bhuddist place with the golden cobra at the side of the road…


I have a feeling that this thread will not provide the best answer. Very few people cycle or drive on the very quietest roads, so few will know of them.

Of those few, fewer still are likely to post on this forum.

For peace and quiet I think mid-Wales is wonderful, although I've never cycled in Scotlandshire.
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