Which Nutters cycled in then......?

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Another nutter here :angry:

set off earlier to beat the real rush so the dual carriageways and roundabouts weren't too hazardous, as the cycle routes weren't worth risking

It is only 3 miles though. Took me longer to get in the shed, the lock was rather stubborn this morning and guess where I'd left the de-icer? Yep, IN the car!


Active Member
-7 here this morning, but only 4 miles each way. By the time I got to work my fingers were sore with the cold. The main roads into work are all fine, one side road I use has had a burst pipe sometime over the weekend, cycled through slush then water, still gurgling up through the road surface then more slush for about 100feet. Not very funny. will have to use another route tomorrow.


Senior Member
Had the MTB out for the last few weeks so im still managing to commute, good job as my daughter has borrowed my car permanently.


I was determined to get started after a long layoff and lots of food and drink

both padlocks on the shed hard to open despite being oiled before the very cold weather

and the rear valve behaved exactly like it was frozenm I could depress the valve but barely a trickle of air came out despite the tyre being 80psi plus

cold ride and the road looked distinctly dodgy, just pre icy I think

and colder coming home, I could see frost forming

forecast is continuous sub zero for a week or more isn't it?

and gawd I felt heavy and old and tired on the bike


Cycling Skoda lover
All my kit is ready for tomorrow on the MTB.More snow here tonight but it will be the better way into work as most of the schools are back tomorrow......let the chaos begin !


Watt-o posing in Athens
Ice was my downfall before Christmas, the injuries sustained caused me to be off the saddle for nearly three weeks. I will not be rushing back for a repeat performance, as I wold rather keep injury free and cycle longer in a couple of weeks time. Ice and two wheels do not mix.


yes, I had a horrible night on the Monday before crimbo, no way am I going out if there's any proper ice

it is London though


Well-Known Member
Ealing to Staines - brilliant fun - down to -6 I think - right kit though! Water bottle froze up and I couldn't take a drink - great fun.

Working from home tomorrow but will be going to the City Weds - looking forward to it!

Just need the right kit...


Lozatron said:
Ealing to Staines - brilliant fun - down to -6 I think - right kit though! Water bottle froze up and I couldn't take a drink - great fun.

Working from home tomorrow but will be going to the City Weds - looking forward to it!

Just need the right kit...

you carry a water bottle in winter?


CC Neighbourhood Police Constable
Lovely ride in to work today. A balmy plus 1 in bright sunshine.... Minus 4 on the way back, just got in and now defrosting the beard and enjoying a warming glass of Macallan
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