Why are women obsessed about weight..

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Über Member
Young Un said:
i am not a chav i am simply a normal slightly rocker human that uses the urban dictionary to portray my feelings.

Urban Dictionary = Chav Language. :evil:

Young Un

New Member
true - but honestly i am not a chav, they ****in flippin piss me off - especially the ones who think their hard by running by your side when your riding screaming and shouting:angry:

Young Un

New Member
spandex said:
What's a chav?

Picture this a young lad about 12 years of age and 4 ½ feet high baseball cap at ninety degrees in a imitation addidas tracksuit, with trouser legs tucked into his socks (of course, is definitely the height of fashion). This lad is strutting around, fag in one hand jewellery al over the over, outside McDonalds acting as if he is 8 foot tall and built like a rugby player, when some poor unsuspecting adult (about 17/18) walks round the corner wanting to go to mcdonalds for his dinner glances at the young lad, the young lad jumps up in complete disgust and says “Whats your problem? Wanna make sommin of it? Bling Bling” when the adult starts to walk towards the young lad, the young lad pisses himself and runs off to either his pregnant 14-year-old girlfriend or his brother in the army crying his eyes out.
Arr you mean all the kids (near where I was growing up) that are 6 or 7 sitting on the wall with a 6pack and a bottle of JD, Smoking, spitting at cars as they go past.
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