Why do people with small to average size

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houses put plasma screens on there walls in their living rooms?

It looks ridiculous. Was dropping someone off at their house which they just bought in a new build estate and they mentioned that everyone had just got the keys due to a delay 3 weeks ago.

The street lights are not up an running yet but they won't need them as the street was lit up by three of them having huge plasmas on their walls in living rooms.

I thought it was hilarious. Is this some sort of show of wealth to the neighbours?
To save space because they live in small houses ?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I think sticking flat screen TVs on walls is a good idea. Why take up floor space if you have a suitable area of bare wall which could be used?

What I don't think is such a great idea is to put the screens high up above fireplaces which is what a lot of people are doing. I find that I get a sore neck from looking up at them. They should be at eye-level when sitting down.


Resting in suspended Animation
Walls can be practical solutions. I know someone with a 42" LCD and the base on that is absolutely massive.


Über Member
South Norfolk
Just shows how much of a consumer society we live in, needing to have the newest and best. Not to worry, they'll have bought them on credit so they'll be repossessed by the creditors soon :tongue:

It may be that developers are throwing in incentives to get people to buy their houses.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Willow said:
Maybe it saves paint!

Excellent, so whereas in the old days, if you wanted to know if anyone was a decent decorator you looked to see how far down the back of the radiator they painted, now behind it's the telly?:tongue:


Legendary Member
Even though it probably has its merits,what i cant understand is how people can leave curtains open at night,or have no nets through the day,its inviting joe robber to see what you have isnt it?


Yeah I know, but we're talking about a 2/3 bedroom new build which is tiny. Surely the benefit of a nice big TV is lost in a house that small. Surely it's too big for the room!

marinyork said:
Walls can be practical solutions. I know someone with a 42" LCD and the base on that is absolutely massive.


Resting in suspended Animation
Well each to their own. Anyway there is one small aspect you are forgetting about plasmas, it helps with the heating, particularly small rooms :tongue:. Put up a few tropical plants, whack it onto Animal Planet and you have your own rainforest.

Mr Pig

New Member
Greedo said:
Surely it's too big for the room!

Of course it is. Just as 4X4's are too big for the supermarket car park and ten-foot tramapolines are too big for their back gardens. The explanation is very simple. These people are f****** idiots :0)


Senior Member
Greedo said:
houses put plasma screens on there walls in their living rooms?

It looks ridiculous. Was dropping someone off at their house which they just bought in a new build estate and they mentioned that everyone had just got the keys due to a delay 3 weeks ago.

The street lights are not up an running yet but they won't need them as the street was lit up by three of them having huge plasmas on their walls in living rooms.

I thought it was hilarious. Is this some sort of show of wealth to the neighbours?

I assume it's the size of the tv that you object to rather than the mounting...

People round the back from us have a projector telly thing. Must be about 2m across! If we could hear it, we could sit in the kitchen and pretend we were at a drive in movie!


Just think if you have a nice big room then fair do's.

But these houses were tiny with a huge tv stuck at a stupid height on the wall. Just think it looks neddy/chavvy.

Me just being a snob I suppose.:tongue:

papercorn2000 said:
I assume it's the size of the tv that you object to rather than the mounting...

People round the back from us have a projector telly thing. Must be about 2m across! If we could hear it, we could sit in the kitchen and pretend we were at a drive in movie!
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