Why do people with small to average size

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Über Member
I see really big large screen televisions sitting in peoples gardens in the council house estate where I do my round. You then see them sitting in front of their new flat screen telly. I bet that there is nothing wrong with the one sitting in the garden, its just not trendy anymore. :tongue:
I'm sure I read somewhere that that for maximum visual quality appearance you should sit 10 times the size of the screen in front of the screen; are the people with a 42 inch screen watching it from 35 feet away?


Resting in suspended Animation
ArDee said:
I'm sure I read somewhere that that for maximum visual quality appearance you should sit 10 times the size of the screen in front of the screen; are the people with a 42 inch screen watching it from 35 feet away?

There is no universally agreed set of figures. Some people quote 1.5, 2.5x or 4x screen size rather than the 10x you quote. Those figures usually lead to hotly debated topics on forums talking about tvs and high definition which are never resolved.


New Member
I've been invited next door to watch football on my neighbours huge flat TV mounted above his mantelpiece. In his small semi-detached living room (the mirror image of my living room) it's like sitting on the front row at the cinema - I get a crick in the neck from looking at the screen perched high up and too close and I have to move my eyes to follow the action on the screen rather than just staring straight ahead at my TV in the corner of my living room.

I notice the space freed by the removal of his old, corner situated CRT TV has not been put to any use.


Greedo said:
Yeah I know, but we're talking about a 2/3 bedroom new build which is tiny. Surely the benefit of a nice big TV is lost in a house that small. Surely it's too big for the room!

Inverse snobbery! don't you just love it, i think the benefit of a big tv is for the size of the picture not to please people peering into their homes, just because you dont think it is suitable for a small room doesnt make you right, some people spend a helluva lot of time in front of the goggle box so why should'nt they have one they like??
I dunno ;) Once upon a time it was Elsie Tanner and now it's LCD...tellys are good for sport alone.;)


Well-Known Member
South Beds
Greedo said:
houses put plasma screens on there walls in their living rooms?

It looks ridiculous. Was dropping someone off at their house which they just bought in a new build estate and they mentioned that everyone had just got the keys due to a delay 3 weeks ago.

The street lights are not up an running yet but they won't need them as the street was lit up by three of them having huge plasmas on their walls in living rooms.

I thought it was hilarious. Is this some sort of show of wealth to the neighbours?

I'm baffled why anyone would even express an opinion on this - what the f**k's it got to do with you what size tv someone puts on their wall?



Greedo said:
houses put plasma screens on there walls in their living rooms?

It looks ridiculous. Was dropping someone off at their house which they just bought in a new build estate and they mentioned that everyone had just got the keys due to a delay 3 weeks ago.

The street lights are not up an running yet but they won't need them as the street was lit up by three of them having huge plasmas on their walls in living rooms.

I thought it was hilarious. Is this some sort of show of wealth to the neighbours?

And I bet ya they had a Range ROver parked in the driveway so that no one could get passed ! :biggrin:


Senior Member
Weird thread.

Surely the obvious thing to do with a modern, pokey house is to free up space by putting a TV on the wall? Have you seen a 32" wide screen CRT TV in the flesh? It's fekking huge - around 4' deep at least.

Have I missed something or is this thread merely an exercise in ignorance and bigotry?

The optimum viewing distance is actually around 1.5 times the width of the TV for a "cinematic" experience or about 2-2.5 for regular viewing. Which means a 37 or 42 inch TV is perfectly fine in most British houses.

The reason it looks crap currently is that you are watching a standard def programme that's compressed to hell. You didn't get freeview out of the goodness of the TV industries heart, it was because you could cram 5 digital channels in the spectrum space of one analogue channel. this will change over the next few years as HD comes on stream. All BBC output is to be made in HD by 2010.

What person in their right mind is going to buy a huge CRT today, knowing it won't be able to do high def? Of course anyone who had been shopping in the last 2 years would also know a flat screen is the same price or cheaper these days. This isn't about range roveresque idiocy.


New Member
HD is a waste of time - except of course for those allegedly cultural TV gogglers studying zoology who will now be able to watch all those wonderful wildlife progammes in so much more detail.

One of the good things about the new flat TVs is that it has demonstrated just how enslaved average Brits are to their TVs and all the junk on them. They couldn't wait to rush out and get the trendy new designs, just like a teenager eager for the latest mobile phone.
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