Wire and Folding Tyres - Difference?

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Über Member
Can someone tell me what the difference is between wire and folding tyres and why folding tyres cost a lot more?

Is it simply the folding tyre is, ummmm, well folding and therefore portable, or is there any difference in tyre quality?


Folders are lighter. Kevlar weighs less than wire.
You can fold em up to carry a spare. Other than that I dunno?
With folders being lighter and easier to use generally the higher quality tyres tend to be made only in a folding version - so basically you are paying for better quality as well.
Paul_L's avatar is a 'West Yorkshire pasty'. It's like a Cornish Pasty but made in West Yorkshire.

And we all know that proper Pastys are crimped across the top



New Member
yer 'avin a laugh aren't you?

I'm from proper pasty land (Cornwall). Just happen to live up north!

Cornish Pasty and Gregg's Steakbake - Difference?


Bionic Subsonic
An urban myth .. the pasty originated in Devon in the 16th century and the earliest recorded "cornish pasty" was in 1746


I once had a woman tell me off in a shop in Torquay when I asked for a Cornish Pasty. "Those aren't Cornish Pasties, They're Devon Pasties!"

Anyway when they let the Devonian's enter the Cornish Pasty competition last year they won :biggrin: - link


New Member
I had a lovely Warwickshire Pasty at the weekend. Made at Shires Pies, Leamington Spa.

The pasty I had from Barnecutt's in Wadebridge was mostly potato. I was well disapointed after seeing them named 'Steak pasty'.
Really crap. A tourist trap if ever I saw one. £3.50 each.

The pasties from my local Morrisons are 1000% better. That means they have 10 times as much meat in them, and they are 2 for £2.
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