Wot, never - ? !

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I was talking to a bloke a work recently; himself being in his late sixties, but one of those who have 'been around the houses' a few times, i.e., has an anecdote for every occasion. We touched on the subject of cycling and I was amazed when he told me that he'd NEVER:eek: been on a bike in his entire life, not even as a child - !
I don't know about anyone else, but I found that statement astounding that anyone had never ever ridden a bike.
Odd thing was, he seemed quite proud of the fact - !:okay:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I think you'll fine alot of folk haven't ridden since a little child, but not at all ?


Über Member
I didn't ride a bike until I was 24 (I'm now 32). I never had one as a kid, my parents wouldn't buy me one! I could easily have carried on never having ridden a bike. In the end I decided I wanted to be able to ride a bike so I bought one and learned to ride off the internet.
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My wife has never ridden a bike due to her Father having a nasty accident on one when he was a child and so he forbade her to ride one.
So every time I go out on mine she get's really worried, especially if I'm a bit late back (which I invariably am!).


A bit off subject but i work with a bloke [late 30s] who has never eaten a banana!He also said he tried an apple once but did not like it.He never eats fruit.

I only eat fruit that's been in a tin :smile:

Back to the OP, I grew up in the 60's and 70's and there were bikes everywhere, mostly wrecks LOL



Failed Tech Bro
....or used the semicolon correctly.
Neither have I;
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