Your bike in front of some water - pictures

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Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Trip to the bike shop in Gran Canaria this morning.


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Trip to the bike shop in Gran Canaria this morning.

Why don't we have a "jealous" emoji in the like selection?


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
That sure is some dang purdy water they have in Swizzel Town.
Some of the greenest rock I ever soloed too....

Yes, very purdy... Daughter & I rode from Hayfield after our 12 mile Kinder wander to 'Chill out'.
Torr Park, I believe they call the riverside & a Millennium Walkway, too, but our legs had totally run out if walkability by that time 😂


Legendary Member
The Byes, in Sidmouth, yesterday

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