Your day's wildlife

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Gravitationally challenged member
Yesterday two Goldfinches were taking wool (no pic, sorry!).
Today was a Great Tit.


Must be second broods, I suppose.


Gravitationally challenged member
View attachment 646262
Over local brick pits, its a riot of small flowers, large daisies, so many flowers you realise you see so many but have no idea what they are...but this lone plant shone out...a purple toadflax...what an awesome name.

Are you sure? Looks like an orchid to me. Even more exciting!

Edit: have a look at southern marsh orchid, bearing in mind that they have quite a variable flower colour from pink to purple.

Edit2: from the size of the flower spike, could be a hybrid of Common Spotted-orchid and Southern Marsh-orchid.
From that link: Intermediate between Common Spotted and Southern Marsh Orchids; often very large and long flowerheads, due to the phenomenon of 'hybrid vigour'.
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Girl from the North Country
I think purple toadflax is usually a bit later flowering too. At least up here.


Are you sure? Looks like an orchid to me. Even more exciting!

Edit: have a look at southern marsh orchid, bearing in mind that they have quite a variable flower colour from pink to purple.

Edit2: from the size of the flower spike, could be a hybrid of Common Spotted-orchid and Southern Marsh-orchid.
From that link: Intermediate between Common Spotted and Southern Marsh Orchids; often very large and long flowerheads, due to the phenomenon of 'hybrid vigour'.

As I googled 'wild flower purple UK' that orchids show up, I thought...oooh :rolleyes:
Tbf, it has a very compact cone of flower heads, many photos of toadflax show a longer 'heads and less compact flowers. Could be then :rolleyes:


Gravitationally challenged member
As I googled 'wild flower purple UK' that orchids show up, I thought...oooh :rolleyes:
Tbf, it has a very compact cone of flower heads, many photos of toadflax show a longer 'heads and less compact flowers. Could be then :rolleyes:

Interesting website local to you with quite a few pics of orchids - some difficult to tell apart!
Probably worth sending your pic and location to your local wildlife trust to see what they reckon. Could be a new record for them.

Asa Post

Super Iconic Legend
There are sightings of Southern Marsh Orchids around Peterborough, though not many of them.
iNaturalist is a useful site for recording what you've seen. There's a linked app called Seek that lets you point a phone camera and tells you what you're looking at. If you choose to, you can then take a photo and upload it to iNaturalist. You would need to create an account, but it's all free.
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