Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Took a slight detour by the canal to see how the bike managed the path , absolutely great no problems .


Legendary Member
The Sun was out, the enemy wanted to go to Reading for a bit shopping, so what started out a as 12 mile round trip ended up as 33.8 mile round trip because after Reading we decided to go to Henley on Thames for lunch, ‘cos Reading is a dump. From Henley we decided to try and find a different way home, and though we took a detour we ended up back on our normal route after a while, so we took another detour and ended up down a “quiet lane” and though the road surface was pretty bad it as delightfully pretty. We had to stop for about 15 minutes while the enemy made a business telephone call, and I forgot to switch my sat nav back on (twice) hence the jumpy about routes on the map.


Sulham Loop.png

Lovely day out today, my cold has nearly gone.
Another over to my parents' ride today (followed by the entire day doing hard labour in their garden :crazy: - my mother's approach to weeding leave an awful lot to be desired!)... Going out to get my bike this morning, I was surprised to find my landlady's car covered in big rain drops. I was even more surprised to realise it was still trying hard to rain but it failed. I also noticed how warm out it was this morning (15C at 8:30am!). Today was dominated by extremes of good and bag driving... mostly bad in the morning with some awful overtakes - some of them not even that and one witnessed by a police car with a WVM nearly knocking me off my bike. In all fairness to him though it was the oncoming driver that was the issue when they decided to pull around a parked vehicle on the other side of the road at the same time as the WVM overtook me alongside that parked car!

Later on through the road works, I spotted a familiar face (guy on the road trike), though I don't actually know the guy, but I often see him along that section and always say hello. today we were actually able to hear each other!

So today's photo. Well I spotted it last week - I have seen the tree cut down (I presume damaged by the storms earlier in the year which was a shame because it was a huge old beech tree of the size that says 200-300 years old) but I have to say I like what they have done with the stump... (It needed a low loader to take away the actual trunk of the tree, so I guess they must have sold it for a fairly good price!).


Around the back of the stump, there is also a 'back door' carved into the stump, but I have yet to go passed when the owners are in, so haven't yet managed to photo that!

Coming home was 'interesting' with those heavy drops of rain just before I left saying that it was going to throw it down, but it didn't where I was or where I went to (thankfully). I think East Cheshire must have been getting a good soaking over on the Pennies though!

Going through the roadworks I had great fun with one of the long sections alongside the canal that was closed off. The road surface is getting smoother each day - though you do need to keep your wits about you and dodge the hot tarmac!, so I was able to get down on the drops and make the most of the nice smooth surface and no traffic! what fun... only when I got to the 3rd road closed sign, I was politely asked to slow down around the workers ahead! I had been spotted - I don't often get asked to slow down, given I'm not that fast to start off with... but it wasn't a problem. The fact that they are happy to accept cyclists through these roadworks when often they are re-tarmacking the entire width of the road, is something I and many others are very grateful about.

Further on and there is a small section of the A54 I have to cycle and I hate it and today was a classic example of how bad it can be. There is a short downhill section (before a short steep uphill) where if there is no queuing vehicles then people can overtake a cyclist, but if there is a queue, the road is too narrow and the grids too sunken for anyone to get around you and I mean anyone (other than motorcyclists). Today a HGV1 caught me up along this section and I knew from the get go that this was not going to be a nice HGV (mostly they are exceptionally good along this section). He hassled me and tried his hardest to bully me off the road. All I could do was move to the middle of the lane completely and block him totally and make sure I didn't lose any speed because he was so ridiculously close to me! He tried to bully me all the way up the hill as well because the 'rush hour' queue was longer than normal and went all the way passed the usual junction (where most of the lorries turn right and although i want that road, I carry straight on and turn right at the next junction because it is safer). Well this lorry carried straight on with me. What he did next even scared the daylights of the oncoming WVM... once there was a moving gap in the traffic (and I was back in a strong secondary) he pulled out to overtake despite the fact there was not enough space... WVM had to do an emergency stop or get hit by a HGV...

Further on, and I had 2 complete opposite examples, I'll just cover one because it surprised me considerably. I'm approaching a crossroads turning right. A learner has approached from the other side, turning left. We both wait for the road to clear and then I waited for the learner - my thoughts being that the speed bumps make life difficult overtaking a cyclist along the next section and he is turning left, I'm turning right so he has priority... well the 17 year old lad (I have to assume he was 17 because he looked about 15!) decided that I was going first and refused to move until I went. Later on at the speed bumps (those type where you can position them underneath your car and not detect them if you have the clearances) the learner held back until he had enough space to overtake using 2 of the speed bumps on the other side of the road to have a clear path around me. Now, I know this driving school and have had an issue with one of their vehicles in the past (though the instructor apologized) where I had to take avoiding action to avoid being hit, so today came as a really pleasant surprise!

Anyhow - it was a nice way to end the day! another 70km and another fast ride out and back. I do really like this new bike! :biggrin:


Just a short ride for me tonight, due to a number of reasons:-
1 - There was traffic chaos in Shrewsbury this evening, due to an accident on the A5, which meant it took me 40 minutes to get home from work in the car
2 - I wanted to be back to watch the Chelsea match on TV
3 - Planning a long hilly ride on Saturday, so didn't want to tire the legs too much
4 - There were some big black thundery clouds around

I am normally a meticulous planner of my routes, but today I decided for something a bit different, by heading for a ride around the suburbs of Shrewsbury, with no particular route in mind, basically just follow my nose and decide as I went along.

I took the cycle path down to Reabrook and then along the old railway bed into Sutton Farm. I had a cheery hello from Shrewsbury Town footballer Jon Taylor, who was out on his bike as well, along here. I'm surprised he had his head up looking where he was going, as he doesn't on a footall pitch! ^_^ I did a loop of the estate, past where my Big Nan lived. I only just about remember her as I was about 4 when she passed away I think and then headed past Shrewsbury Town FC and then into Meole Village.

I spent a lot of time there in my teenage years, as my best childhood friend Steve lived in Pendle Way, so I went past where he used to live. Steve unfortunately had major problems in the last few years and I hadn't seen much of him and he committed suicide late last year, but his mum and dad remain close family friends, so it's still quite raw.

It was then up Nobold Lane and down towards the Nuffield Hospital, where I turned left up Mousecroft Lane and then out onto the Radbrook Road. I had to wait a couple of minutes at the traffic lights for the 3 way roadworks that are going on there for the new housing development. It was then up the shortcut to Crowmeole Road and through Porthill and in the Quarry, where there were a number of cyclists, runners, walkers and a chap practising his golf!

I then followed the towpath by the River Severn and had my only "moment" of the ride, as a chap walked straight out into my path, from the pathway by Greyfriars Bridge, without looking! :eek: The brakes work ok on my bike!!

It was then into Castlefields and back along to home.

13.40 miles
11.8 avg mph
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A rare outing for my folder today to take the car down for its MOT (it passed :wahhey:). Looking at the paperwork I realise I've done 1500 miles more on the bikes than in the car since the same time last year.^_^

I also realised I've never taken any photos of the folder so I got a couple and this is the beastie for anyone who's interested:
View attachment 43772

I had completely forgotten that you have that bike!!!

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I had completely forgotten that you have that bike!!!
Well, it doesn't see the light of day that much. It's very handy the times when I do use it though.:thumbsup:


Perhaps This One.....
Well today continued in the same manner as yesterday, all a bit cr*p really:sad: Pain started after only 0.5 miles, and despite gritted teeth and generally chewing the handlebars, I decided it wasn't right and gave up after 2.2 miles:sad: Will try again tomorrow I guess. Major come down after an excellent few rides last week.
Had to get out into town today for a dr's appointment, so my choice of timing was not available... and immediately beforehand I was faced with this... (and no my gutters are not blocked. It was simply the volume of rain that was too high for it to drain away quickly enough.) I wasn't overly keen on going out. :rain:


But somehow I managed to get out between storms and stay dry! Some of the local roads were flooded and closed by police. Another was closed with a mudslide - one I needed and that they kindly let me cycle through/passed. Otherwise except for the flooding, it was a 'standard' dr's appointment needing a heavy D-Lock which I have found out at the Dr's does not fit my new bike (oops) so can't lock the rear wheel to the frame because the gap is too wide!
20.4km makes a weekly total of 222.0km leaving me needing 82km on Sunday to complete a certain Strava Challenge that finishes that day!


Had to get out into town today for a dr's appointment, so my choice of timing was not available... and immediately beforehand I was faced with this... (and no my gutters are not blocked. It was simply the volume of rain that was too high for it to drain away quickly enough.) I wasn't overly keen on going out. :rain:

View attachment 43853

But somehow I managed to get out between storms and stay dry! Some of the local roads were flooded and closed by police. Another was closed with a mudslide - one I needed and that they kindly let me cycle through/passed. Otherwise except for the flooding, it was a 'standard' dr's appointment needing a heavy D-Lock which I have found out at the Dr's does not fit my new bike (oops) so can't lock the rear wheel to the frame because the gap is too wide!
20.4km makes a weekly total of 222.0km leaving me needing 82km on Sunday to complete a certain Strava Challenge that finishes that day!
If it was anything like the rain in shropshire this morning, then fair play to you for braving it. Monsoon doesn't even come close. The work car park was under a few feet of water!!
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