Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Legendary Member
He's got a dangly thing at the rear end. Simples.

I take it that you have no problem believing that I used to take bits of motorbike apart on my kitchen table. My Mum used to get a bit antsy when my Dad taught me how to rebuild a clutch or a gearbox and used the dining table to do so :laugh: I think that my Dad wanted a boy.
I don't think I should pry any further here. :smile:

Did you at least put paper on the table?


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I was up before dawn this morning as the Northampton balloon festival, such as is now since our wonderful council shelved it a few years ago! It's now held at Billing Aquadrome, a few miles from my house, but its a shadow of its former glory.. At least it is still local.


As the weather was perfect for floating/flying/bobbing along, whatever balloons do, this morning, I got up at 05:00 and rode down to see them inflate and drift away.


The first one up.



Only 7 miles there and back but it was nice to be up and about before the crowds..



Waiting for the turbo to kick in...
I was up before dawn this morning as the Northampton balloon festival, such as is now since our wonderful council shelved it a few years ago! It's now held at Billing Aquadrome, a few miles from my house, but its a shadow of its former glory.. At least it is still local.

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As the weather was perfect for floating/flying/bobbing along, whatever balloons do, this morning, I got up at 05:00 and rode down to see them inflate and drift away.

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The first one up.

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Only 7 miles there and back but it was nice to be up and about before the crowds..

Nice bike that 'dale there.


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
That's Cock Hill, and yes - the TdF peloton climbed up there and down into HB, before turning left and heading for Mytholmroyd.

If you carry on down the A6033 from Haworth Brow (the road from Hebden Bridge) then A629 into Keighley, Aire Valley Cycles is on your left as you get into the town. It is open 09;30-17:30 on Saturdays and 10:00-16:00 on Sundays.
Thanks Colin will pop in there today. :thumbsup:


Got up this morning at 5:30 unable to sleep so I went out on the bike !

First I cycled to work and set a new PB by quite a margin, I took 2m8s off my previous best and my av speed is now 16.8 mph instead of 15.5 mph . So all in all pretty chuffed.

After there I went to Gloucester docks to look around where the new Johnny Depp film will start filming next week. From there I went around the town centre and found some sights I've not seen in Gloucester before . Obviously the rides average speed will by low ans trudging around the down centre.

So I left the centre and headed to Barnwood and then up Brockworth hill to Painswick and then turned right and down Upton St Leonard's hill and then left at the bottom and across the M5 and around the back of new services to the mini roundabout. Then hung a left at Brookethorpe to Naas lane. At the end saw Gordyfinbar and headed up Davy Way before I went home.

In all about 27 1/2 miles.


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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Last post in here was Tuesday so there's some catching up to do:
Wednesdays ride was dry and pleasant in the morning to contrast with the soaking I got the previous day, but cooler so the fleece was needed again. In the evening I decided on a whim to try a more direct route home by taking the old A5 into Atcham then following the reverse of my morning route. It saves 2 miles over the morning route (3 miles shorter than the longer evening route) and is 10 minutes quicker but there was a lot of traffic most of which seemed to have a major aversion to crossing the white line in order to overtake.

Thursday didn't start off too well with rain starting the moment I got the bike out. It had eased off and looked like clearing up altogether by the time I was ready to go though. However, it was just teasing me :angry: and about 3 miles into the ride the heavens opened again from a shower that had bubbled up out of nowhere and sneaked up behind me. I did manage to ride out of it a couple of miles from work then had to find space to hang things to dry in the warehouse.
My colleagues are now convinced I'm mad. I'd mention rule 9 but I think that would confirm it for them.:laugh: The evening ride looked like being :rain: again but fortunately the rain cleared up just 15 minutes before I finished and headed home on the longer but quieter (traffic wise) and duller route again.

Friday was a nice sunny morning but cool again. There was a great view of the Stretton hills at the start and it was a pleasant ride on roads that were quieter than usual. I encountered another sign of autumn en route, which was lanes covered in mud from tractor movements. On the last bit of lane/bridleway I was scattering rabbits, birds and squirrels into the hedgerow as I went. I suspect I may have been the first one along here today.
It was my last day in this temporary work so I was given quite a variety of jobs to do and was fairly tired by the end. The shorter route I did on wednesday appealed so I headed that way to find the road blocked by surface dressing being laid (seriously, surface dressing on a busy route at rush hour on a friday...... what were they thinking?:huh:) and traffic queueing in all directions. I quickly changed the plan and told the guy controlling the traffic I wanted to head for Wroxeter, so was allowed across the works. At Wroxeter I turned to rejoin the main route at Atcham. Not too bad really - it adds a bit of mileage but avoids the bit of main road I most disliked. Feeling pleased with having jumped the queues, this was of course the point the rain decided to arrive.:rolleyes: Out comes the rain cape and I was very glad of it for the next couple of miles as I passed streams of slow traffic before turning onto the lanes, which in contrast to this morning were much busier than usual. When I was just a couple of miles from home there were dark clouds up ahead again.:sad: I pressed on hoping to get back before it arrived but completely misjudged it this time - the deluge arrived when I was on the A49 and wasn't able to stop safely to put the waterproofs on again. Being already drenched I thought I may as well just carry on.:surrender: Naturally the rain stopped just as I pulled on to the drive.;)

100.2 miles for the week. Happy with that.



Just a couple of snaps from Wednesday morning - this has been a very pretty commute. The second photo hasn't come out quite as hoped - the white dots are four swans that were cruising majestically up the River Tern.
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Deleted member 18052

Out with the Boss this morning for a quick 30, he doesnt ususally ride a bike so I took him on a route, even I find difficult :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Needless to say the first hill he was off and pushing, and every other hill from them on if i'm being honest, offered to cycle back to mine and get the car, but he refused, :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Guess i'll be getting all the s**t jobs at work for a few months :laugh::laugh::laugh:



Legendary Member
Not been on the bike for 10 days, due to a combination of the weather and other plans, so nice to get out this morning.

Last time I went out it was warm and sunny, but boy has it cooled down over the last week! It was back to trousers and a jacket for today's ride and they stayed on for the whole ride :cold:

I took the normal route out through the estate and joined the old canal path by the river. There is a nice pub not far from there and a nice waitress that works there......I met her on a bike along the path! She rides a bike!!:hyper::smooch:i had a nice thankyou off her, as I had to pull aside to let her through the gate along there. I pulled myself together and continued to Upton Magna, Withington, Walcot, Rodington and Roden, where I paused for a drink and saw this peculiar site at the entrance to a field!

Anyone for Yahtzee!

I pressed on, into the strengthening wind, to Poynton and Bings Heath and encountered rabbits, squirrels and a buzzard in a short time span which was nice.

I climbed ebury hill, where there is a fabulous view of East Shropshire and I could even see the lights from the stages at the V Festival at Weston Park, shining in the distance.

I returned to Upton Magna and the wind was buffeting right into my face for the last 4 miles and therefore it was slow progress home.

22.7 miles at 12.6 mph avg


Active Member
Horrendous ride today :sad:

Cold with 15mph headwind right from the start, this wee 30 mile ride I had planned was going to be a tough one.

I was riding downhill towards a junction behind a car which was going slowly as it was negotiating the huge speed bumps, which meant I had to hang back a bit. Cue the impatient blonde woman and her kid in a huge 4x4 deciding that was a perfect overtaking opportunity. To give her her due she did give me enough space as she went across into the opposite lane. She quickly realised there was a car parked on that side of the road, a junction ahead and a small gap between me and the car in front. You can guess what she did next, she cuts right across in front of me forcing me to brake sharply and narrowly misses my front wheel by a foot.

Did it get better from then on? Nope! Not a chance in hell.

Proceded to join up with a cycle path only to find it had glass strewn all across it. Had to pick my way through and hope I isn't get a puncture.

I finally reached the canal and had a great ride into the centre of Edinburgh. Just starting to enjoy myself, even the joggers and dog walkers were nicer than usual, though I suspect that had something more to do with how slow I was travelling due to the headwind. I eventually come off the canal and have to negotiate a few very busy roads at the the top of Lothian Road to join up with the cycle path through The Meadows.

Stopped at a set of traffic lights and eventually got the green and got underway. Rode across the junction and into a side street where yet another 4x4 behind me thought it was a perfect place for an overtake, especially with traffic coming in the opposite direction. Despite me riding in the primary position the driver squeezes into the gap and forces me to the side of the road with the horrible potholes (which the council insist don't exist - another story!). The driver just misses me by about 6 inches, I was fortunate in that he/she was driving a huge car because if it was a normal their wing mirror would have been low enough to hit me.

Did it stop there? Nope…

Made it through The Meadows and on to Old Dalkeith Road, which is a bit of a down market shopper's lane with lots of badly parked white van men dropping their crap off. There's a junction ahead of me with street lights and a white van parked near the stop line, blocking the left hand lane. The car in front of me pulls into the remaining gap in the left hand lane and I follow suit. The lights are red so we both stop, at this point I noticed the car in front of me has their reverse lights on. I'm thinking he's probably just gear changing and slipped into the reverse by accident…. but no… he proceeds to reverse back the way with me directly behind him.

I'm forced to move my bike over between the left lane and the right one, I had to do this because the footpath side had some guardrailing and it was obvious the bloke reversing was looking to park his car in front of the white van. He would have trapped me between the railing and his car. Needless to say I was a bit pissed off and knocked on the guy's window and shouted at him, asked him what the heck he was doing. There were quite a few expletives but I've omitted these for the more delicate ones among you!

I rode away from the guy without waiting to find out what his explanation was for terrible driving. Being deaf I wouldn't have heard him anyway. I joined up with a cycle path and stopped for 5 minutes to calm down. I should really have gone back home at this point but I didn't want this guy to spoil my ride. If I could just make my way to Musselburgh and then ride back home along the coast, I would at least have this 15mph headwind as my tailwind.

I follow the cycle path and it deposits me at Newcraighall, from there I just had to ride through a couple of roundabouts, past the Porsche car showroom and onto a quiet country lane. The roundabouts were no problem, got past the showroom with no real issues except for a car that was getting a wee bit close to my back wheel for comfort. I have to make a right turn for the junction coming up on my right, as I'm about to do this the car behind suddenly accelerates, overtakes me and then brakes sharply in front of me before signalling to turn right. If the driver had just waited just 30 secs they would have been able to overtake me safely once we'd both turned right.

I ride on into the headwind, feeling really pissed off and I make it to a cycle path which I'm following to join up with the path that runs along the River Esk out to Musselburgh. Not the white van man this time but the red van man. He has decided that on a clear stretch of road with no traffic or yellow lines and a segregated cycle path to one side that the best place to park his ruddy great big red van is right across the…. yep you guess it…. the cycle path.

Leaving my sanity and the red van behind I continue on to Musselburgh, where I'm hoping that the 15mph headwind will finally stop blowing in my face and I can get on with cycling at a much faster pace. No such luck, by the time I made it to Musselburgh, the wind had now changed direction, which meant I was going to have a long torturous cycle back home with lots and lots of blowy headwind…. great times….

Fortunately there are mostly cycle paths right the way home. Unfortunately, you just have to make it through a few cobbled roads in Leith. With tarmac roads you get ruddy great big potholes and most of the time you can see them. However, potholes on a cobbled road are virtually invisible, that's probably because riding the Leith cobbles is like riding inside a washing machine. But remember Edinburgh Council says there are not potholes in Edinburgh, so it must just be my imagination right?

After being shaken to bits, my bike and me have finally made it to the cycle paths that will take me all the way home. I just need to battle on against this ferocious headwind and I'll be okay.

There's just one big hill on the way home, but after the ride I'd had and the endless 15mph headwind, I just felt really deflated and devoid of any energy. I had had enough at this point. I hopped off my bike and started to push it up the hill. I thought this tarmac footpath is a bit squishy is it not? I look down and sure enough, the perfect end to a horrible day's riding, a dog turd latched onto the sole of my shoes…

I don't normally drink, but today…. boy, do I need a beer!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I am one of the 12 volunteers who will be testing a barrier cream for PaulB. His employer markets it for medical applications but Paul spotted a potential new market for it as a chamois cream. He has been using it for a while and thinks it is very good, so he persuaded his company to run a small-scale trial on some CycleChat bums! :laugh:

Rather than getting Paul to post me a tube, I suggested that I ride out over 'the tops' to meet him halfway between our respective towns and he could hand the cream over in person. He would ride back to Heptonstall with me for a stop at the cafe there.

Conditions were overcast and chilly when I set off, and as I climbed out of Hebden Bridge the wind was picking up. By the time I was out on the moors I was struggling a bit into a cross/headwind so I didn't get quite as far as I had expected to before Paul came whizzing along in the opposite direction. We met on the Colne side of Widdop Reservoir and then rode back for our cafe stop.

Rather than descend a long stretch of cobbles into the village, we followed the road down through Lee Wood and then turned back up the Heptonstall Road to climb to the cafe. Paul soon climbed away from me but I was fairly happy with how I coped, considering how iffy my lungs have been recently. I may have got out of breath, but I recovered pretty quickly as we chatted on the seats at the front of the cafe.

After that, Paul needed to get back. I rode up the cobbles with him, then turned and enjoyed a second descent of Draper Lane/Lee Wood Road.

My Cannondale is great to ride uphill with its new triple chainset, so I decided to pop round to Moss Lane in Hebden Bridge and test myself riding up its steep slope. This beast ...


I didn't find it easy on my lungs, but my luxurious new 28/29 bottom gear at least made it bearable for my legs! I did cheat and avoid that last 5 or 6 even steeper metres which you can just see in the photograph. I am still nervous about going back to riding with Look Delta pedals because I can't unclip as quickly as I could with my old SPDs, and when I do put a foot down on a steep road, it is easy for it to slip away from me. I didn't want to risk running out of steam at the top and coming to a dead stop!

I just checked the distance of today's little ride and it came to 18 miles. I thought it had only been about 12 so I must slowly be getting fitter. All I need now is to trade in my lungs for a pristine new pair and I will be laughing!

It has been a while I'd seen Paul so it was nice to get a chance to chat with him again. Now all I have to do is to tackle a good hard ride with my rear slathered in the barrier cream, so I can write my report. :thumbsup:
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