Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Plax said:
I didn't cycle today. I did intend on going to my parents which is 26 miles. Unfortunately I seem to be unwell. Started off with a kind of funny flashing in front of my right eye, then a headache and then I felt nauseous. So I had to go for a lie down for an hour. Thankfully no longer have the flashing in front of my eye, and I don't feel nauseous anymore but I still have a bit of an underlying headache. Early night tonight I think and hopefully will feel better in the morning.

Sounds like a mild form of migraine. I get them as well sometimes. The medical term for the funny flashing is aura


Renard said:
Had a great day today. The weather was great and took the good bike out for the first time this year. First time of the year for shorts and short sleeved jersey too. :sad:

No chance of that up here in Lancs, Iwas back with my helly hansen and overshoes today.

It was a lovely ride though - one of those float days where the wind is never really a problem and you just tootle along at 30kph without really trying.
Frustruck said:
Oh well, when we have our Cyclechat jerseys there'll be no mistake! BTW are you going to ride allaway to Amsterdam on what appears to be studdy tyres on the MTB? :sad:

Lol, no, don't worry - I'm just keeping them on for now, because I have decided it makes me put extra effort in, so as soon as I put the slicks on I'll be flying along at 100miles an hour! :wacko:

And yes, what is happening with the jerseys, have we had an update???


I suspected it could be migrane related. I am long over due an eye test so I'll have to get round to booking an appointment - at some point this year at least!

Totally fine this morning, so cycled in as per the plan. I got drenched, it was chucking it down. At home time I still donned my waterproofs and overshoes. Bad mistake, I should have looked out a window first (we are deprived of natural light in our office, but as we are on the top floor, can hear the rain pounding on the roof. It sounded like it had been raining for the majority of the day, so thought nothing of looking out the window more fool me). It was a lovely evening - I was practically passing out from the heat and I was too lazy to stop, pull everything off and stuff it in the rucksack too. Doh!


Über Member
Nice but a definite chill in the air when I was out yesterday evening PB for a 50 average of 18.12 mph my legs are gonna remind me about that big push for the last 10 miles in the morning. Arrived back on the Prom for the end of the sunset which was nice coupled with the lights of the arcades.
Not much of a ride I know but since I woke up at 4.00 and gave up tryung to get back to sleep I figured I might as well get my arse to work. Riding my Black Phantom, sun just above the horizon, mist on the fields, not another soul about, birds singing in the trees. It's only a couple of miles but after two weeks in Bristol without a bike, fricking lovely.
Nice feeling mickle - I got soaked again. Neoprene overshoes, longs, Montane 'showerproof', long fingered gloves, dealing with tosspots who can't bear to be off the phone while they creep towards London in their cages and ignorant bus drivers intent on conserving their indicators for another day...
I think the polis on their bicycles should do a few rush hour commutes, catch these people out, fine them £1000 and give an immediate disqualification for three months. Hoik them out of their cages and tow away to a pound somewhere. All the onus is on the cyclist while the driver does a quick shrug. Bastar*s.


Anyway, it's weather, and it is sunny now. :biggrin:


New Member
went into the back of a bus that pulled out on me and also got cut up by a car on the roundabout, just at the point where I can't brake or swerve without coming off

he didn't like my hands off the bars shrug two seconds later when we straightened up (tis an oval roundabout)

I may also have told him to get the fk out of my lane or i'll hunt him down with a giant cucumber...


Legendary Member
Bit of a bad one Trillian :blush: Here's hoping for a better one next time eh.

10 mile commute home for me tonight on my Raleigh 531 rebuild, mixing it with the rush hour traffic, which i find oddly enjoyable...perhaps the fact i can travel about 2 miles along one road..and still stay with, or even beat some / most cars :blush:
I love it when a car overtakes can sense the impatience..and then you ease past at the next queue of traffic. This can happen several times over with the same car. :ohmy:

Bike went well...brakes are a tad crummy, i'm hoping its the new wheels and pads and they'll bed in.
Only shame was, not another worthy commuter in sight to fire me up...just a young woman on her MTB, there's just not the same sense of achievement as you breeze past ;):biggrin:


New Member
Cold and wet was my commute today.
It was pouring as I left work and still pouring when I reached the village shop. Neither of my two cigarette lighters would work - something to do with them sitting in an inch of water in my rucksac. I then had to source a towel so I could get dry and borrow someone's shoes for the rest of the day.


Legendary Member
A steady 12 or 15 miles after tea to get a PSU for the PC. It would have been the easiest thing in the world to climb in the car, theres a bit of heavy cloud and some distant thunder.....getting ready, i said to SWMBO 'shall we bike it'.

Not particually nice scenery, urban roads, near the city centre, across some nice urban parkland, through a country park...all with a slightly bulky PSU under my jacket :biggrin:


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Good ride today. 37.96 miles done, hoping i would be near the top, but not a chance. :biggrin:
I couldnt decide what to wear so went for a jersey and trousers(in between warm enough for shorts, but then too cold for shorts and looking like it will rain)
Used my mega weather skills to dodge the rain and didnt get wet. Was a nice sunny day with not much wind. Problem with the sun is just a bit between my elbow and wrist is tanned, my hand and from the elbow up is white. Looks abit strange:wacko:


Legendary Member
Am i slowly dumping the car for convenience and favouring the bike instead? It seems so...
15 miles to buy a PSU for the computer Thursday
12 miles to get fish and chips Friday
15 miles to do some shopping Saturday
20 miles to go to the drop in centre, plus a steady ride today...

No great mileage, but nice to be out and about in a mix of urban and countryside settings. trouble is its difficult to stay away from water here, be it lakes or rivers...and the inevitable clouds of freekin insects :angry:
I was riding along a narrow cyclepath today, approaching an oncoming cyclist....wham :angry: a fly went smack into my was all i could do to keep going in a straight line :sad::biggrin:

It's nice to have a change from the usual fitness rides, and take it steady. Must'nt go too steady tho...i'll be getting soft :blush:


Senior Member
Had a lovely 14 mile round trip on the K&A canal. Mr Yoyo is feeling allergic to hills at the moment and is set in the idea that he is so unfit. However, this was a 80 minute pre-dinner jaunt after the rain and I am slowly convincing him that we could easily tour 30 - 40 miles a day. We are planning to do 'Round the Harbours' on 8th June so that hopefully will help him to embrace the idea of touring.
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