Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Terry Kay

Active Member
Alfreton, Derbys
First commute on the MTB for a while because of the rain.. I was quite surprised the 6KG extra was so noticable! Plus I was spinning the pedals for too fast in top gear getting nowhere and suffered when I got to work..
Downloaded a metronome app for the turbo work tomorrow...
Six of us turned up for today's club ride but I dare say a few were put of by the weather forecast :rain:and strong winds. We were pretty lucky with the weather though at the start and had it mostly dry as we headed into the wind. When we had the wind behind us though and headed up Knockhill we were less lucky though the heaven opened and the mucky road became even muckier. As we got to the crest about noon though the sun started to come out and it stayed dry until about 9pm.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Went off with a couple of friends for a bit of a gentle tour (gentle as they don't ride much). It was one of my regular routes but for them was a new best of 28 miles. The weather was great when we set out but unfortunately the threatened showers caught up with us.:rain: On the plus side I now know my cycling jacket is actually waterproof.:thumbsup:

It was also the longest ride I've done since getting myself a Charge Spoon - it's not bad but it's taking time finding the right adjustment for me.
One of the best rides ever today, truly life affirming stuff.

Have been a bit pissed off lately and having put on a few pounds over Easter and feeling lethargic, I set off today feeling the 70 miles yesterday, and wondering whether I'd do any better. I don't mean mileage but jaysus' yesterday was sluggish and as with last week, the wind was hard work. The rain didn't help and all round, despite a good tailer in places I came back feeling a bit ruined.

So today I didn't expect much but decided that the best start after my usual route to Cheddar would be to climb the Gorge, which was alright but wasn't exactly Baha-bloody-montes. I got to the top, finished nice and strong but thought the wet on the road was too much to put heart and soul into a switchback at the top and a descent back down after my normal 6 mile loop. So, I decided I'd do something a bit different and instead of heading onto the road back down the Gorge I went straight on heading into the back end of Wells down the Old Bristol Road which is slightly hair-raising in places, took the back roads to Wookey Hole and found an old friend in the shape of Dearleap, the hill leading up and past Ebbor Gorge. I didn't know where I was when I started but then I remembered from the WIggle Sportive last year how hard I'd tried to get up the Barsteward (but had to concede and dismount).

But not so today and I loved the view, some 50 plus miles over Somerset - priceless! I headed back on to the Gorge road, went for it and went back home over Shipham Hill.

Loads of climbing today and I feel great for it (now I've finished work) and the 55.7 miles felt every bit the equal of many longer rides this year.


Ain't life grand?

Jayne Roberts

New Member
Speedo- My favourite cafe is The Berwick Tea Room in Hallaton - a favourite with local cyclists. The hilly part of leicestershire is north of the Welland Valley, east of the A6 and south of the Vale of Belvoir. There are some fairly nasty hills on either side of the A47 (runs E - W) and you can get a good workout there criss-crossing over them.
If you are ever in Warwickshire you are welcome to cycle into 'Orangemabel Tearoom' Nr Alcester lovely hilly ride to get there!
Did my first TT on Wednesday night apart from the timekeepers watch being about 5 mins fast and just making the start; it seemed to run well. Maybe as a result though I set off in my small chainring (it must have downshifted when it was on the roof of a mates car) for nearly 2 miles :blush: and forgot to start my GPS, so lap1 (the TT) contains about 0.3mile of warm down :blush: . I knew there was something wrong but I was catching my minute man :wacko: Then I realised why I caught him so easily he'd sat up! I think I averaged 22.5mph but I was on a regular road bike (no aero bars) with £93 wheels and no aero helmet, the winner done 26.5mph but he was; well that's my excuse anyway ;)
Last night I went out with the club on their Thursday Night Training Session, it was pretty rapid we were over 20mph until we got back to the town and traffic lights.
So I think today, despite being the best weather all week will be a rest day ;)


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Did thirty eight miles from Otley to Burnsall and back - all on minor roads and far from flat. It felt like I'd done a lot more than the map my ride program claimed for the ride. It serves me right for cycling with a friend who thinks nothing of rides with 8,000 feet of climbing.

I struggles but didn't suffer and the stunning views more than compensated for the climbs.

The Woodrup Chimera performed flawlessly.


Legendary Member
Just 15 miles commuting today, but the cycling gods were with me..all day.

This mornings section, nice side/tailwind, mild, a nice enjoyable early ride. Saw a Barn Owl gently flitting alongside the road, they're odd flyers..remarkably gracefull, yet gently flit up and down and and change direction like someones pulling them like puppets.

At work, ongoing taking apart of the Ribble, applying antisieze, re-assemble. Derailleur adjusters today, downtube and RD, cables off, put everything back together expecting to have to set it all back up....just fell into place, no adjustment required.

Homeward, the winds changed...nice side/tailwind often does that happen !!!!
Dodged impending showers...just seemed like everythings in my favour today...oh and i saw the biggest muvva of a pheasant as well, christ, he was a monster :ohmy:..
Shame work spoiled it all ...


Leafy Cheshire
Are yesterday's rides allowed? Mine Had a bit of everything chucked in it. I had planned to ride from Sandbach out to the Roaches in the Staffordshire Peaks, as I am doing the Tour of the Roaches with my brother next month. For some reason I was really struggling in the first 5 or 6 miles to Congleton - bit of a headwind, the surface didn't feel great and I just could not get going. No rhythm whatsoever and I felt like packing in and trying another day... at which point my chain broke! Being a bit useless on the technical front, this meant I needed a bike shop pronto.

The rather ace consequence was that I discovered Cycle Centre in Congleton - great bike shop!

I often instinctively avoid LBSs as I have found so many rude and unhelpful, but Cycle Centre were unbelievably helpful and friendly. Well done guys! A v well stocked shop too and a burgeoning online business seemingly. So nice to be treated like a human being and not to be sneered at for lack of knowledge :smile:

In about 15 mins I was back on my way, and the rest of the ride featured some hard climbing - in total almost as much as on the Cheshire Cat last month. Just as I was getting a bit bonky I made a good random decision to head for Meerbrook, where I discovered a lovely pub called the Lazy Trout. Sitting in the garden having a coffee and a Panini, listening to all the birdsong (and even a woodpecker tapping away) was the highlight of my Easter. Bliss. The sun was warm and my Garmin showed 16 degrees.


I reluctantly pressed on, going for a nosy at the reservoir before struggling up to the Roaches and beyond. The first climb after the lunch stop was murder and I had to stop about three more times. I got a bit annoyed with myself and kept an eye on my HR, the deal being if it is not at max there is no stopping! This worked well and my climbing legs returned for the rest of the ride.



One weird thing on this ride was the abundance of Llamas in the peak district! Are they Argentine Llamas taking revenge for Las Malvinas? No-one is sure apparently, but they are very cool and also have the ability to look at you while facing in completely the opposite direction which is pretty awesome I think we can all agree. :smile: Go the Llamas!

As I made my way reluctantly back West, the weather closed in and it decided to HAIL. Garmin temperature check: 3.8 degrees. I could see my breath. Madness, but I love Spring and April showers. It did make me regret deciding not to take my waterproof though!

I zoomed back home after some great descents. The last 5 or so back home were miles easier than earlier in the day - all of a sudden the road surface was no problem, funny that....

I like cycling :smile:
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