Your ride today.... (part 1)

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My first ride home from Windsor on my new road bike (guess what it is) , 10 miles on look pedals/cleats and happy to say "No clipless moments" :becool:


West Somerset
Did a wonky triangle between Taunton, Somerton and Bridgwater with the cycle group today, clocking up 77 miles. We set off in bright sunshine, but I rode the last 7 miles home in pouring rain. It's a good thing it's midsummer and I packed my waterproof jacket as well as the windproof. :rolleyes:
Two short rides for me today. In the morning I went to the local Gala



Then after vegging out for a bit I realised I needed cash for tomorrow's cafe stop and went round to the bank.
Went out with the club and had a great ride, the forecast (a few days ago) was wet and windy it was anything but; we only caught one shower when one of the group got a p'ture. Got to the steep twist descent and I wussed out again :blush: others were hitting +40mph at that point :blush::blush: I went rapidly backwards, which turned out to be a good tact and I was at the back into the headwind to the cafe stop ;) Fortunately, by the time we got out the wind had shifted slightly and there was an element of a northerly (tail wind) as well as the westardly (headwind) :smile:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
A quick 18 miler around the Acton Burnell area. It's very pleasant out this evening, although a bit windier than I would have liked, yet I only encountered 1 other cyclist en route who was just finishing fixing some sort of chain failure.

Where is everyone?


Legendary Member
A quick 18 miler around the Acton Burnell area. It's very pleasant out this evening, although a bit windier than I would have liked, yet I only encountered 1 other cyclist en route who was just finishing fixing some sort of chain failure.

Where is everyone?
Just got back from a quick sub 15 miler round town and it is quiet out there...maybe sommat to do with football :rolleyes:


Made a chicken curry, then a quick 3 laps for a quick 10 miler on my new roadie. Felt good!
Shower,bottle of becks and said curry .... Now lets see what our boys can do ....
Solo and occasionally soggy 50 or so around edenfield rawtenstall bacup and tod. Some of the roads round tod are well shafted after fridays' rain

:hello:Past you on the way to meet Bromptonfb,we went up Cragg vale over to Sowerby Bridge
back thru heb to littleborough,Mytholmroyd was the worst we saw for flood damage,
Loads of waterlogged furniture on the street,wiffy too with all that sewagexx(
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