Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Deleted member 1258

I've become a fair weather cyclist after yesterday's cold soaking, so no ride for me so far. Got up to a flat tyre this morning pumped it up, got cycling kit on, etc waited half an hour to see if it was flat again, no, here we go. Got as far as the car park, turned back I didn't fancy another soaking.
I had thought I'd head out when it got lighter (the forecast was it would), no, its got heavier, I think I'm going to watch the football instead!
I've a feeling by the time it stops raining, it'll be dark flooded roads and I don't really fancy it either.

For me a Sunday ride is for pleasure, theres not much fun in taking a soaking so theres not much point in a wet Sunday ride, Its better to wait for a dry Sunday, if I was using the bike for transport, commuting for example then thats different, but having brought a car recently I'm avoiding commuting in the wet these days, I was car free for years and have done my share of wet commutes.


W E T !!!


Fast and careful!
Cold wet and windy been better taking a canoe out 30 plus miles of leaves and lying water but a couple of 14 degree climbs ,still you can always get dry and now warm!


Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
A gentle 11 mile loop from Meanwood down to the canal at Kirstall along to Leeds City centre and back home just to make sure that my legs are still working after the hard time that they had on Tuesdays' ride.


Seeing as the sun was out, i slapped on the road wheelset on my hybrid and did the same ride as yesterday but not on a mtb and did the roads instead of the woods and rivers. Went satisfyingly fast, forcing myself to stay in top gear and accelerating up hills on the way home. Disappointingly, only clocked a 14.5 mph average over the 16 mile run. I suppose the first half was all uphill..?



My Armchair
Just a quick lap of the local trail today, very cold out there this morning, lots of :sun: though.
15+ miles and a few photos.
Look how warm it is-
Looks warm out there.jpg


Bike posing-
My bike.jpg
Another sun kissed but frosty morning here in darkest Perthshire, so off for a 105km spin over Sherriffmuir and environs, couple decent climbs, two punctures, coffee and a scone stop, all good. The back wheel was spinning at times on the steeper bits of the moor where the ice still lay out the sun.
on sherriffmuir.jpg
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