Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Ramsgate, Kent
Had a little trip out today did about 9 miles along the coast, went through Ramsgate, Broadstairs and Kingsgate and back home had a few short sharp hills that got my legs burning ^_^. Made friends with a pigeon when I stopped to admire the view he came and sat on my hand! :laugh: Feels good to get out in the fresh air!

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
A bit more filming this morning, then this afternoon I was able to take myself out for a ride.^_^

I had planned a route of about 25 miles out to Acton Burnell then in an extra loop around the Cound area, however the muscle I've pulled in my knee started hurting again just before 8 miles, so I decided to shorten the route.

Apart from that it was a pleasant trip - the wind was light, the :sun:was out and I didn't have trouble from any drivers despite it being around school kicking out time.

18.6 miles this time at 13.5 mph average.


Looking across to Lyth Hill from Cantlop.


Despite the aching knee I went over Lyth Hill to avoid the main road today. We're looking across to the Wrekin here.

Glow worm

Legendary Member
Near Newmarket
My first 50 miler for some time today. Wasn't sure my fitness would be up to it but in the end I was fine.

Had to visit a nature reserve near King's Lynn for work. I planned to ride the first 15 miles (Via Swaffham Prior and Wicken Fen) to Ely station, but I messed up the timing and passed Ely 50 minutes early for the train, so I cycled to the next stop north toward Lynn - Littleport. It worked out well- I kept warm peddling and avoided paying about £3 for a brew at Ely station.

Then a quick train ride to Lynn (to avoid the dullest part of the Fens), and off north to Dersingham, via the Woottons, and Castle Rising. Stopped for a quick bite on the reserve- The Wash is behind the trees, and beyond that- abroad! (well Lincolnshire anyways).

As seems to happen so often, Cambridgeshire had been dull and threatening rain- crossing into good old Norfolk, the skies cleared and it was like Summer. I know I tend to wear Norfolk tinted glasses most of the time, but it really was uncanny the abrupt change in weather.

Then it was off eastwards, up the hill past Sandringham House. This lane is a new one to me and nice and quiet, though did drag on a bit. The view only spoilt by my hideously gaudy orange, but very useful handlebar bag!

Then on to Anmer, where rumours suggest William and Kate are to set up home.There was a lot of work going on on their house and plod parked outside eyeing up suspicious looking passing cyclists with horrible handlebar bags.

At Houghton Hall, (below) the white (fallow?) deer were on show.
houghton hall.jpg

The last 8 miles to North Creake were pretty tiring with a strong headwind, though a barn owl close by cheered me up, as did the sight of thousands of geese (I think pink footed?) taking off from some beet fields and flying over me to roost on The Wash. Noisy b*ggers too.

My cunning plan to pop a pig into one of my panniers was foiled by this sign near Syderstone- pig rustling alive and well in these parts!

A brilliant day in the saddle- pleased I managed a decent distance. Only problem now will be staying awake long enough to watch the football!
Thankfully my calf never grumbled much today (just tender and seemed to be supporting more weight) and with it being a nice night I decided to go for a wee ride and the calf didnt grumble much on the ride either and when I saw a Little Owl, I suddenly had the motivation to go a wee bit further in the twilight :smile:

Post ride the back of the knee (having compensated for the calf) is a little taught but the calf its self settled down reasonably quickly to the same tender state as pre ride, fingers crossed :rolleyes:


Just over here
Bit of an update for me. 19.2 miles at an ave. of 18.2 mph for my first tri in Snowdonia last weekend, great fun but hated the swim but loved the ride and the run/climb. Had the week off the bike due to work, family stuff, weather and getting back into the running. Then 10.7 miles on the mountain bike this evening, forgot how much slower and heavy and it was after the road bike!


A bit more filming this morning, then this afternoon I was able to take myself out for a ride.^_^

I had planned a route of about 25 miles out to Acton Burnell then in an extra loop around the Cound area, however the muscle I've pulled in my knee started hurting again just before 8 miles, so I decided to shorten the route.

I thought you were resting that knee!!!! :whistle:


Senior Member
South Shropshire
Quick ride into the local town (large village) to register with the doctors then home.
This evening was another ride into the town for a thing at the pub, which was cancelled till next week so I had a few pints then rode home again. The ride in this evening was wonderful. The road was lit by the moonlight and at some points on the ride looking over the hedges gave a wonderful view of fields basking in a low lying fog/mist with cow shaped islands.

So about 12 miles spaced out over the day, not too bad.
First time out today since my last seizure, 20kms that was quite easy but one wee hill into Bellshill almost had me puking! Serious lack of fitness but will keep pushing it. First proper go out for my Garmin 500 too, so much better than using an iPhone.
I had quite a few seizures in my late teens early twenties but my last one was about 20 years ago thankfully.
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