Your ride today.... (part 1)

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Leisure Cyclist
been a disaster last week have done nothing since Friday 21st march. Had problems with selling my car and getting another one. The one I got had an oil leak problem.... so say I was angry is an understatement. Got the car checked over yesterday at more cost but it is still a problem although much less cost than what I thought.

A car is a requirement for me as its 5 miles to my 6 yr old school so cant be without one.

How I love my bike.......... so little drama compared to motoring......... roll on this week and I hoping to get out min of 3 times !


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Late for the club run as i had to stop to re index the back wheel after putting the rs11`s yesterday so went on a solo run and got lost !, went out to fast as i was going to do an hour but ended up doing just over 52 miles and running out of oopmh as i thought i would not have to push at the "front " all day long.
I also stopped to help a cyclist in Fradley who had fell off their bike when they tried to pull out of a junction when a car was coming ( apparantly i didnt see it ).The lady was ok so i am guessing she wobbled badly from a close pass and fell badly completly bending the back wheel on a kerb.
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Ramsgate, Kent
Went to Fowlmead Country Park today and did some of their blue route MTB trail with my 9 yr old step daughter which I was a bit apprehensive about as she's easily distracted and I had visions of her crashing into a tree.:rolleyes: She did really well though and she loved it as did I and it was nice to do some proper off roading with my new bike.^_^

There a few descents that were a bit bum clenching for me (being a noob to MTB tracks) but I did them!

Ruby having a breather by the lake.

Bike shot!

Another bike shot ^_^

All in all a good afternoon defo do it again!

Deleted member 1258

What a beautiful morning for a bike ride, sunshine, warm and still, seen loads of people out on their bikes, lots of horse riders out as well, what a shame I was in the car.:sad: Having been out for the last six Sundays this was always going to be a rest weekend, my cycling Mojo had started to fade in recent weeks,and of course its Mothers Day, so I treated my good lady to breakfast at Whitemores Antiques at Shenton, and a wander round the rooms full of Antiques, my Mum is sadly no longer with us but shes not been far from my thoughts today, its to far to go and pay my respects.


Legendary Member
As stated in 'what have you fettled today'..I didnt plan to ride today, 7 days on the trot at work, plus another 5 to go..doesnt leave you feeling invigorated so I lubed the pawls on my noisy Fulcrums etc etc.
Sat indoors an hour later...getting itchy and bored, sod it, off for a quick ride round town. Besides..if I dont get out there and regain some base fitness again, the distance stuff is never going to happen.
So 10 miles, nice and mild..and a quiet freehub :thumbsup:

Dave Carey

Well-Known Member
New Forest
Interesting ride today. 60 miles averaging just under 17mph makes it my best and longest solo ride. Despite chain falling off, getting lost several times, getting soaked going through a ford and half falling into a bog! Oh and Strava decided to stop recording at 51 miles.
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Senior Member
Been a while since i've added any details of my rides...still been out on the bikes...MTB more than the road bike but nothing to really write home about.

But me and a friend decided to take advantage of the good weather yesterday and tackle an imperial century...i did my first metric century a couple of weeks before but this would be my first ever metric century...for my riding partner this was far from his first century but was his first outing on the road bike of the year :ohmy:

The route took us out of Sheffield, up Ringinglow and the back down to Hathersage. Through Hope and up Winatts Pass and Mam Tor. Down into Edale and we stopped at the Penny Pot Cafe for a tea cake ^_^ then back through Hope, through Bamford and onto the A57. heading back towards Sheffield for a short while before turning left and heading over Strines to the A616. Followed the A616 to Holmefirth and then up and over Holmemoss...this was a killer climb :bicycle:.
Back down the over side and into Glossop. Through to Hayfield for another Cafe stop at Roise's Cafe. Then for the final leg home through Chapel-En-Le-Firth, Peak Forest and Stoney Middleton to Baslow and the followed the A621 to Owler Bar and back towards Sheffield

Total of 110miles and 9,976ft :becool: Today I feel broken :laugh:

The only thing we didn't do was stop and take any pictures of the Peak District which looked great in the spring sunshine :becool:
A map of our route.



Perfect weather this morning so did a 41 miler. As my weight is coming down I am seeing my average speed gradually going up. Very pleasing. I had one amusing encounter, it made me laugh anyway. I was stopped on the side of the road having a biscuit (I struggle to eat and breathe when riding) and a group went by. Several asked me if I was OK and I reassured them I was just eating. One guy at the back of the pack called out "watcha got". Well it tickled me but then I am easily amused. My route here:
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Legendary Member
Encouraged by lighter winds earlier this morning I got out for a 24 mile circular tour. A bit late getting out so took a flask and a piece which I had at the halfway mark sheltered behind a dyke from the strengthening bitter east wind, just as well I had my woolly hat and gloves. Saw a workboat heading for sea and thought rather them than me. On the way back I decide to walk for a mile or so down a path I had never used before, pleasantly sheltered by trees and following a burn down to the sea. The easterly wind was bringing in a haar which limited the possibilities for picture taking, but pleased I'd managed to get out. Only saw another two cyclists, but didn't recognise them, although exchanged passing greetings for those interested in such niceties:rolleyes:.


A Big Bad Lorry Driver
Went for a 3 mile bimble to the florist on the homebuilt trike as the upright is broken as if I need an excuse,:whistle:
I had the kids in tow with the three yr old on his bike, he did very well having only to push it up only a couple of hills on the way back home.
He carried the flowers all the way home too, wore him right out as he went to bed early with out fuss :highfive:


Norven Mankey
What with it being Mother's Day I couldn't manage a proper ride today. Had to help the boys make lunch for their Mum. But the weather was really good so I managed to sneak out for an hour in the morning, up Snake Pass, have a breather at the top and then back to Glossop.

Easterlies are rare around here. It makes the Snake ascent a real grind as it gets more and more exposed. At the top it was probably about 20mph. The descent was a blast though, managed to top out at 50mph.

At the top op the Snake there was a really impressive sight. The Pennine Way is there so erosion caused by walkers is real problem. To counter this, millions of heather cuttings are dropped by helicopter to hopefully grow and counter the erosion. There is a major store of the cuttings at the top of the Snake and a helicopter was working there today. It arrives and the ground workers hook up another sack of cuttings. It then flies off, opens the sack over somewhere, then comes back.

What I found amazing was the "bend" on the helicopter blades you can see in the photo:

2014-03-30 11.04.16 (1).jpg


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